  • 學位論文


The Development and Application of Adaptive Instruction Subsystem for Blended Learning based on Scaffolded Concept Mapping Strategy

指導教授 : 陳景章


教育科技的目的無非是培育學生契合有意義的學習。在此脈絡下,教育科技所扮演的角色由傳統的知識傳授者蛻變成知識建立的協助者,也就是說,學生是使用科技來輔助學習,而不是向科技來學習。因此,如何結合教育與科技以實踐有意義的學習,便是本文欲探究的議題。 從教育的觀點出發來回顧眾多的學習策略,其中概念構圖不僅是一種學習、教學與評量的工具,亦可以視為一種有意義學習的策略。多數的研究結果均支持和肯定概念構圖在教學、學習及評量上的應用潛力,但是從這些研究中尚有一個重要爭議尚待解決,即概念構圖應用於教材學習時,到底是要以專家所提供的概念圖作為學習策略來教較好?還是要以生手自己繪製的概念圖作為學習策略來教較好?上述這兩種概念構圖策略的訓練是各有利弊。有鑑於此,鷹架式概念構圖策略,其規劃的學習輔助不但能突顯上述雙方的優勢更可以解決遭遇的困境。這有別於不考慮學習者能力漸增,從頭到尾給予搭鷹架支援的閱讀專家概念構圖策略,也有別於從頭到尾幾不給搭鷹架支援的自行繪製概念構圖策略。也就是說,在學習前先了解學習者的個別差異性(先備知識高、低),進而在學習中提供彈性的(建立和拆除鷹架)學習輔助在閱讀和繪製概念圖上,以推動班級的學生能同步成長,促進有意義的學習產生。 因此,本文提出一套以鷹架式概念構圖策略為基礎之適性教學子系統,透過教學塑模、物件導向分析與設計,並連結Moodle學習平台以建構出能支援策略施行的混合學習環境。受試者為大學通識課程(電腦網路導論)二個班級共67 名學生,實驗組和控制組先施以前測(先備知識測驗),接著進行八週的教學實驗之後均實施後測(電腦網路總測驗)及情意評定。實驗結果發現,學生使用適性教學子系統來輔助學習能增進其學習成就並獲得正向的情意反應。


The goal of educational technology was to cultivate students who engaged in meaningful learning. In this context, technology, for a teacher, plays a new role, enabling a transition from a traditional delivery of knowledge to assisting with the construction of knowledge. In other words, learners are using technology to aid learning, rather than simply to learn the technology itself. It is thus worth investigating how education and technology integrate into meaningful learning in an actual instructional process. This dissertation began from an educational perspective by reviewing numerous learning strategies, in which concept mapping is not only a kind of teaching, learning, and evaluation tool, but can also be seen as a strategy for meaningful learning. Most of the literature supports applying concept mapping in teaching, learning, and evaluation scenarios. However, this research is still at the center of an ongoing controversy as to which method can provide the better learning strategy: concept mapping as applied in a study-based, instructor-generated situation, or concept mapping used in the learner-completed scenario. These two strategic concept mapping training applications follow different methods. However, when concept mapping is combined with scaffolding that structures the learning aids, the advantages of the technique outweigh the disadvantages. This condition differs from both the strategy of an instructor-generated concept map, in which the learner adopts a passive role, and the strategy of the concept map completed by the learner alone, with no aids. In other words, the scaffolded concept mapping strategy considers a student's (high or low) prior knowledge, and provides flexible learning aids (scaffolding and fading) for reading and drawing a concept map. The goal is that the whole class should progress in synchronized fashion through this strategy, with each student achieving meaningful learning. Thus, this dissertation proposes an adaptive instruction subsystem (AIS) based on the scaffolded concept mapping strategy, by employing instruction modeling, object-oriented analysis and design, and linking Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) platform to construct a blended learning context for supplying execution of this strategy. Participants in this dissertation had taken an elective course (introduction to computer networks) in general education at a public university (N=67). Two classes (experimental group and the control group) were issued to the pre-test (exam of prior knowledge), studied for eight consecutive weeks, and implemented the post-test (exam of computer networks) and the attitude and operating reaction questionnaire finally. The results indicate that the students who used the AIS had better learning achievements than those who only experienced traditional lectures. Moreover, the implementation of the AIS received positive student feedback.


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林步剛(2014)。探討功能性鷹架之科學探究數位學習內容對學生 科學解釋與舉證能力之影響〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.00359
