

面臨全球新世紀的到來,政府與企業都被迫要進行內部的改制,在網路的普及化世界成為了一個地球村,進而影響到產業的環境和行銷的方式,網路無國界小型的貿易已經突破了國與國的界限,而農業因為有太多的限制無法與加工品相比,而台灣位在全世界最大市場的旁邊,文化與語言也是大同小異是進行貿易最理想的國家,但農業因為在長期的保護政策和限制反而使農業長期處於弱勢與困境,政府與民間農業部門應以提升競爭力的方向發展,加速調整農業生產結構,要有整合、前瞻性和一致性,要創立新團隊整合資源強化農業發展的基礎。 台灣現有從事農業工作者人數約300萬人,戶數有約78萬戶(農委會2011年的統計),而台灣加入WTO後對農產品銷至中國大陸是一個新的契機,面對中國大陸15億的人口其中有2億多的農業工作者,在面對強大的競爭者台灣農業如何和中國大陸的農業能有產銷結盟的共識,而政府要如何輔導民間的農業團體開出一條大道,在双方都加入WTO所帶來的衝擊讓二國在農業出現了合作的機會,使二國的農產品能在國際上有競爭力,能在國際的農產品通路有一席之地,而現階段台灣已經有許多的水果通往了世界各地,中國大陸也從個體發展出地方的結盟,但大多只限於內銷只有少部份的出口,在二國的合作成立一套發揮策略結盟來互補資源的不足與整合產銷的目標,提昇二國農產品在國際的競爭力。 本研究以三個方向為主軸:(一)二岸農業優劣之分析,(二)二岸農業聯盟的可能性,(三)聯盟後農產品行銷通路的整合的方向,以這三個構面來分析二岸農業的生產品質與數量和外銷的可能性,將以台灣外銷農產品最有代表性的芒果為研究對象。


農業產銷 兩岸農業


The world is facing the new century coming, government and enterprises are forcing to do inner restructuring, The world becoming a global village because of the internet that affect the environment of the industry and the way they marketing. Thanks to the Internet the small businesses can trade with other countries. But, the agriculture cannot compare with the processing product because there are too much limited. Such as the long term protective policy and restriction let Taiwan’s agriculture being a weak place. Taiwan is just located next to the world biggest market, China, which has the similar culture and language that is the best country to trading. The government and nongovernment agricultural department should focus on raising the competiveness and adjust the agricultural production structure. Including integration, foresight and consistency, create a new team to integrate the resources and emphasize the foundation of agricultural development. In Taiwan, there are about three million people are doing farming for living, which is about seven hundred eighty thousand families (the statistic is made by council of agricultural in 2011). It’s a new opportunity for Taiwan to sale agricultural product to China after join WTO. The population in China is 1.5 million and there are 2 hundred million people are agricultural workers. How does Taiwan reach an agreement with China on the alliance of agricultural production and marketing while facing the strong enemy and how does Taiwan’s government help those agricultural workers to open the path for the future. In both the impact of WTO accession. Let both country has the opportunity to work together, and their agricultural product can compete with others on the global market. In both the impact of WTO accession. And now, there are a lot of fruits in Taiwan sale to other country in the world, China also developing start from an individual to a local alliance, but most of production are sale in the country just little of that sales to overseas. The cooperation between China and Taiwan is to establish a strategy alliance to complement each other’s lack of resources and to integrate the goal of production and marketing, to raising the competitiveness of the agricultural product on the international. The research is focus on three main parts: First, analyzing the pros and cons of agriculture between China and Taiwan. Second, the possibilities of agriculture alliance between China and Taiwan. Third, integrate the way that the agricultural product’s marketing channels after the alliance. Use these three part to analyzing the quality and quantity of the production and the possibilities of overseas marketing. The research project will be mango, which is the most representative overseas agricultural product in Taiwan.


