  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳英隆


本文以探討「逾期放款」的角度來衡量授信品質,由於授信是銀行的主要業務之一,銀行業也是帶領國內經濟起飛進而邁向國際金融發展的領頭羊。自從政府開放銀行設立之後,金融業務繁忙的榮景如曇花一現,接踵而來的是自由競爭、兩國論、產業外移、亞洲金融風暴、全球經濟不景氣、卡債風暴、雷曼兄弟破產、歐債危機等,使得本國銀行逾期放款的比率不斷的創新高,所發生呆帳將浸蝕盈餘導致資本適足率的不足,威脅到銀行生存空間。 因此,政府為鼓勵業者將逾期放款打消呆帳,施行各種改進措施,實行多年以來成效豐碩,逾期放款比率從2008年的11%到2012年降到0.39%,但由於金融機構家數過多,競爭白熱化,部份銀行利基顯然已漸漸被浸蝕,為銀行維護其授信品質,尤應注重授信風險的來源,適時排除可能導致逾期放款影響的因素,故本研究希望能從過去各種可能的逾期放款以假設性問項,篩選出一些量化的關鍵性因素,再應用SMART PLS模型分析。運用實證分析結果顯示說明如下: 以調查表為依據設計25題問項,關於影響逾期放款之重要因素: (一)借款人的特性:包括每個人的年齡大小、年所得額高低、撫養親屬人數的多寡、經常放無薪資假、工作年資長短。 (二)借款契約要件:從金融業者所提供的借據中,選擇重要項目包括借款利率、借款成數、借款期限、寬緩期限、擔保品區域位置等。 (三)整體經濟因素:包括失業率、離婚率、金融風暴、經濟成長率、死亡率。 (四)銀行競爭因素:包括銀行家數、業績壓力、銀行併購(合併)、授信人才、存放款利差。 (五)逾期放款包括:貸款後積欠本金三個月,視為逾期放款。貸款後積欠利息三個月,視為逾期放款、貸款後雖未超過三個月,向主債務人訴追,視為逾期放款。貸款後雖未超過三個月,向從債務人訴追,視為逾期放款。貸款後雖未超過三個月,向主、從債務人處份擔保品,視為逾期放款。


資本適足率 呆帳 逾期放款


This paper discussed "NPL" point to measure the quality of credit, be-cause credit is the bank's main business, banking also led the country into the international economic take-off and thus financial development leader. Since the establishment of the government after the liberalization of the banking, financial services, such as short-lived boom busy, what follows is a free competition, state theory, industrial relocation, the Asian financial crisis, the global economic downturn, credit-card debt, bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, European debt crisis, making the ratio of overdue loans of domestic banks continue to record high, the bad debt will lead to erosion of surplus capital adequacy ratio of less than a threat to banks survive. Therefore, the government will encourage the industry to dispel the bad debts overdue loans, the implementation of various measures to improve the implementation of the effectiveness of fruitful years overdue loan ratio to 11% from 2008 to 2012 dropped to 0.39%, but due to excessive numbers of financial institutions, competition intense, some banks have gradually been etched niche apparently, for the bank to maintain its credit quality, in particular should pay attention to the source of credit risk in a timely manner may result in exclusion factors affecting the overdue loans, this study would be to overdue loans over a variety of possible in a hypothetical question items, screening out some of the key factors to quantify and then apply the SMART PLS model.


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