  • 學位論文


Mobile Robot Self-Localization by Comparison of Real Image Feature and Environment Simulation

指導教授 : 王民良 林惠勇


本篇論文在自主機器人定位上提出一個不同以往的作法,在方法上首先建立一個虛擬的場景,在這個場景中產生多條模擬真實世界中的直線,再將這些直線經由模擬全景攝影機拍攝模型投影至圖片上,產生一張由我們所建立直線投影圖片,將這張圖片再與真實世界裡拍攝下來的圖片做比對,找出兩張圖片中直線重疊的部分,就能推測出在模擬空間中相對於真實世界的直線位置。接著在多張影像裡,以虛擬空間中的三維點和圖片上的二維點,透過EPnP 計算出相機和物體的相對關係,有了這多張影像相機和物體的相對關係,就能推斷出相機在虛擬空間的移動情形,這移動情形也就代表相機在真實世界的移動情形。


A novel self-localization is proposed for robots which using only an omnidirectional camera in this thesis. The method is first to generate a virtual space with a simulated omnidirectional camera to simulate robot equipped with an omnidirectional camera in the real world. Numerous vertical and horizontal lines are fictitious generated only in the virtual space and they are then projected to the simulated virtual omnidirectional image and often used the sphere camera model. We then combine the virtual omnidirectional image with the real one for matching the generated virtual lines with respect to the edges of the real omnidirectional image. Efficiently, matched lines are very precisely for estimating the pose or trajectory of the robot in the real world via the standard EPnP method. Experimental results validate the robot navigates in a trajectory and show the effectiveness of the proposed method in an indoor room.


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