

摘 要 臺灣地區社會經濟持續蓬勃發展及都市化帶來人口成長,使得各標的用水量大幅增加,復以地球暖化及溫室效應問題日益嚴重,全球性的極端氣候非旱即澇之現象頻仍,突顯水資源供應愈加不穩定之事實。水資源攸關民生經濟,各地區的水衝突似乎都箭在弦上,甚至有人預言21世紀將是水戰爭的世紀。故水資源的復育管理及衝突解決方案實是刻不容緩,水資源危機已經和全球暖化一齊列入世界重大議程。 水資源管理應先作合理、正確的水權分配與管理,再就水源及用水實況作必要追蹤及適當的長短期水量支援調配,才能使水資源得到最有效率及最大效益之配置使用。在有限水資源條件下,如何決定最適之水資源各標的合理分配量,並在國家發展各目標之間取得平衡點,乃為一急迫而須解決之課題。而非急就章每遇缺水時期或政府開發新興工業區,即單純由可計效益(內部效益)之觀點調用農業用水。農業用水對地區之經濟發展、民族生存,有其不可忽視之重要性,另外對地下水之補注、生態之平衡亦有絕對之貢獻。長期之常態性移用農業用水恐遭致用水紛爭並對水生態循環恐有殺雞取卵之疑。水為天然資源,屬於國家所有,中央主管機關應將水資源業務整合統一事權,就經濟效益、環境保護、生態平衡、農業自足、就業機會、區域發展、世代公平等永續發展原則,統籌擘劃國家長遠發展目標。 本文探討農業水權取得之歷史背景,對區域環境聚落之影響及提供糧食、國土保安與調節氣候等對國家社會之功能,建立農業水權應受制度性保障之法律地位。現行水利法規運作之水權管理,尚有部分問題須更加周延完善地予以規範,依現行法令有關水權部分之規定事項亦未落實執行,移用與補償機制均屬原則性之規定,尚難解決實務上移用及補償複雜之問題,致補償雙方常生爭議之糾紛。本研究並檢討應修訂之法規命令、行政規則等改善之建議,俾供修法之參考。 關鍵詞:農業水權、永續發展、準財產權


ABSTRACT Taiwan's socio-economic development and urbanization continued to flourish bring population growth, making all kinds of water consumption a substantial increase, complex to the Earth warming and the growing problem of the greenhouse effect and global climate extremes of the phenomenon of non-drought or floods frequently, magnify the increasingly unstable water supply significant facts. Water stake livelihood and the economy, the region's water conflict seems imminent, and some even predicted that the 21st century will be the century of water wars. Therefore, restoration of water resources management and conflict resolution is indeed imperative, the water crisis and global warming have been inscribed on the World together major agenda. Management of water resources should be reasonable and proper allocation of water rights and management of water resources and water live again on track to make the necessary and appropriate to support long-term water allocation in order to make the most efficient resources to get the maximum benefit of the configuration and use. In the limited water conditions, how to determine the optimal allocation of water resources in a reasonable amount of each genre, and in the national development strike a balance between the goals, has been established as one of the urgent issues to be resolved. Rather than hasty whenever dry periods or government develop new industrial area, that simply by a countable benefits (internal benefits) the view of the call of agricultural water.Agricultural water to regional economic development, ethnic survival, has its importance can not be ignored, while the supplemental groundwater, ecological balance is also an absolute contributions. Long-term shift of normality fears stricken agricultural water use and water disputes water ecological cycle of fear of a Banded suspect. Water as natural resources belong to the state, the central competent authority shall unifying business integration of water resources, from an economic, environmental, ecological balance, agricultural self-sufficiency, employment opportunities, regional development, intergenerational equity and other principles of sustainable development, co-ordination plan of national long-term development goals. This paper theory discusses the agricultural water rights acquired historical background, the impact on the regional environment and the provision of food settlement, homeland security and other climate regulation function of the national society, the establishment of agricultural water rights should be subject to the legal status of institutional safeguards. The operation of the existing water rights water management regulations, there are some issues need to be regulated more carefully perfectly, by existing laws and regulations concerning water rights issues nor part of the implementation, transfer and compensation mechanisms are in principle with the requirements, it is difficult solving practical problems with complex and compensation, compensation in both sides caused controversy disputes. This study and review of the regulations should be amended, administrative rules and other improvements proposed for amending the law to serve as reference. Keywords : agricultural water rights、sustainable development、quasi-property rights


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