  • 學位論文


An Empirical Analysis for Chinese Consumer Ethics

指導教授 : 盧龍泉


「路透社」等國際機構於2010年進行國際調查顯示:文化的差異、金融危機的加劇,更多亞洲人,特別是中國人看重金錢的價值。財富的劇增、人們對於財富態度的變化,使得很多人為了賺錢不惜以犧牲自己和他人的生命為代價。過去十年,企業產品及服務日趨多樣、複雜,並伴隨著消費主義的抬頭, 消費倫理的議題研究越來越受到重視。但對消費者的倫理評價是很複雜的,根據Vitell (2003)的研究,文化環境、個人特質等對倫理決策有極大影響。且Vitell et al,(2007)發現對企業有正面態度的消費者認為消費倫理尺度中的被動獲利的是不倫理的。可見,探討文化環境、消費者的金錢觀與對企業的態度如何影響其消費倫理行為是非常必要的。 本研究以中國大陸的消費者為研究對象,並採用Muncy and Vitell所發展之消費者倫理量表,探討金錢的角色、對企業的態度、儒家文化與消費者倫理之間的關係。在研究方法上採取網路問卷調查方式實施,以大陸地區網友為研究對象,本研究共收回有效樣本323份。本研究使用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、相關分析及迴歸統計分析對323份有效問卷資料進行分析。研究結果發現,對金錢的態度對消費者倫理中的被動獲利、無傷害行為、下載受版權保護的資料與行善呈現負向顯著影響。儒家文化對動獲利的非法行為、被動獲利、無傷害行為、下載受版權保護的資料存在負向顯著影響。而對企業的態度僅對消費者倫理中的被動獲利構面存在呈現負向顯著影響關係。 本研究的結論期望能夠補充現有中國的消費者倫理研究不足,並對未來相關研究有所助益,以及在大陸從事經營活動的業企參考。 關鍵字:金錢的角色、對企業的態度、儒家文化、消費者倫理




According to the international survey by Reuters in 2010, culture difference, the intensification of financial crisis, which makes more Asians, especially the Chinese people value money’s value. The sharp increase in wealth, and peoples attitude towards wealth changed, which have made lots of people to earn money at the expense of their own and other people’s lives for the price. Over the past decade, products and service become more complex, and accompanied by the rise of consumerism, consumer ethics research got more attention. But it’s complicated to evaluate consumer ethics. Vitell(2003) indicated that cultural environment, personal traits has great impact on consumer ethics. Also, Vitell et al,(2007) found that consumers with positive attitude toward business consider passive benefits as unethics. So it’s necessary to study the how the cultural environment, consumer’s concept of money and attitudes towards business affect the consumer ethics. We used the scale developed by Muncy and Vitell, to investigated the consumers in China. This study recovered 323 valid samples. This study utilizes include demographics statistics analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Findings indicated that the role of money has negative impact on passively benefiting, no harm/no foul and downloading copyrighted materials. Confucian dynamism has negative impact on actively benefiting from illegal activity, passively benefiting, no harm/no foul and downloading copyrighted materials. While has positive impact on recycling awareness and doing good. Attitude toward business has only one impact on passively benefiting.


consumer ethics


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