  • 學位論文


The Research of Institutionalization of the Cross-Strait Trade Relations:the Case Study of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)

指導教授 : 宋學文


自1985年起,兩岸在經貿交流日趨頻繁且緊密,迄今中國大陸已成為臺灣第一大貿易出口地區。兩岸經貿交往儼然形成高度「不對稱互賴」及「脆弱性互賴」的關係。是此,本研究以新自由制度主義 (neo-liberal institutionalism)相關理論 (互賴、典則及制度)做為理論框架,檢視並解釋「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」 (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)的後續協議 (四大協議主題)即便將面臨諸多困難及隱憂。但臺灣領導人 (不論是誰)及民眾均已清楚認知,迴避與中國大陸官方交流的機會;或推諉政治責任給中國大陸;或政黨對立等均是不正確的。   進一步言之,本研究認為應妥善運用基歐漢 (Robert O. Keohane)及奈伊 (Joseph S. Nye)所主張,小國 (如臺灣)應善用四種政治過程 (連結策略、議程設定、國際組織及跨國關係)並透過ECFA的談判將臺灣的權利資源轉化為控制兩岸關係結果的權力,以企圖將臺灣面對的兩岸關係營造為「高度不對稱,但低度脆弱性」的互賴關係,最終以經貿交流 (和中國大陸及全世界)為手段,追求並提高國民整體福祉及主權自主性。 關鍵詞:兩岸關係、互賴、典則、制度、ECFA


制度 典則 互賴 兩岸關係 ECFA


Cross-strait trading relationship has kept being close and tight since 1985. China has been the most important area which Taiwan exports to. There is highly asymmetric and vulnerable interdepent relationship between China and Taiwan. There had been no cross-strait consensus on trading regimes and institutions because of political influences. The cross-strait trading regime and institution was first established since president Ma’s government signed ECFA with china government. This research studied 5 cross-strait trading stages for the past and found out that Taiwan was losing the trading competences because of shutting down and being turned down the communication channels with china government. This research has also shown that ECFA is the first step to turn cross-strait relation from vulnerable interdepency into complex interdepency. According to the important aspects (interdepency, regime and institution) of neoliberal institutionalism, Taiwan government leaders should not escape from the responsibility of interaction with China government even though the future agreement of ECFA’s details will be difficult and worriable. On the contrary, Taiwan government leaders should utilize four types of political process- connections strategy, agenda setting, international organizations& transnational relations to turn the cross-strait relation into「though highy asymmetric, but low vulnerable」interdepent situation and thus so achieve Taiwanese national welfare and independency. Keyword:cross-strait relations、interdependency、regime、institution、ECFA


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洪財隆,「ECFA的爭議脈絡與自由化進程之探索:以兩岸經貿關係正常化做為分析視角」,臺灣經濟研究月刊,第31卷第4期 (2008年),頁54-59。
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