  • 學位論文


Transnational Identity and Gender Performativity of the Girls’ Generation Female Fans in Taiwan

指導教授 : 戴皖文


近年來「韓流」侵襲亞洲各國,歌迷將對於流行音樂的熱情投入對偶像的瘋狂膜拜。少女時代的「美腿炫風」橫掃全台,迷群中卻有一群為數眾多且忠誠的女性歌迷,異性粉絲擋不住美腿攻勢是可以理解的,但女性歌迷對同性偶像團體的熱情,又是基於什麼樣的理由呢? 2010年韓國網站的投票「誰是女飯(粉絲)心中的Top Star?」結果顯示,少女時代的成員即佔了前五名的四席,她們的日本演唱會也有高達九成以上的女性粉絲,對女歌迷少女時代可說是「可愛的犯規、美麗的犯規、令人羨慕的女人」。 本研究欲探討少女時代的台灣女性歌迷如何接收音樂文本,並運用身為女性的優勢,透過服裝、妝髮、舞蹈或其他方式「進行個人/團體的展演」,以作為認同的生活實踐。作為應用型研究,資料蒐集以參與觀察法與深度訪談為主,並輔以文獻比對,透過檢視女性歌迷如何接收音樂錄影帶(MV,Music Video),解讀流行音樂工業下的擴散閱聽人現象;其次參與觀察少女時代在台演場會以及迷群聚會,深入瞭解歌迷與偶像團體和歌迷彼此之間的互動。 本樣本採立意抽樣中的關鍵個案取樣,樣本中的12位女粉絲屬於高主動性的重度迷群,不但會定期追蹤該團體的最新動態,參加歌手所舉辦的演唱會,平時更會組成小型聚會定期討論,深度訪談和參與觀察結果有助於分析跨國女性粉絲透過什麼樣的展演方式,在生活中實踐對於同性偶像團體的認同;而這樣的擴散閱聽人「自我展演」又如何解釋女性粉絲對於同性偶像團體的認同愉悅。


K-Pop sweeps whole Asia in recent time. After receiving the musical text, how do Taiwanese female audiences use the advantage—same gender—to perform as a group or individual through dressing, hair style and make up, dancing, or other ways. The way to fulfill identity was first found on the female fans of Girls Generation in Japan. They try to apply the idolatry in their daily life. This study also attempted to find the performativity of Taiwanese female fans to transnational female idol. This study is an applied research, based on in-depth interview and participant observation, literature comparison is also contained. The research focus on female audience reception studies, observing the relationship between K-Pop female group— Girls’ Generation—and their female fans. Through the relationship between diffused audiences and music video, pop music industry, and the use of contemporary medium; this study tries to piece how female fans interpreted the image of gender value which singers build in the music video, and whether it is related or practiced in fans’ daily life.


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