  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 楊維真


1921年李濟深由於同學鄧鏗關係正式進入廣東,展開其軍事生涯,憑著軍中上下屬的同事關係,發揮其影響力。1929年3月,李氏被蔣中正囚禁於湯山後,政治及軍事實權不復存在。惟其所累積之政治威望依然使其成為反蔣精神領袖。由於李濟深反蔣、抗日的緣故,自此開始李氏三進三出中國國民黨的階段。 李濟深發跡於廣東,廣東人正統觀念濃厚,地域觀念極重,排他性尤強,廣西人李濟深在此供職實為不易。李濟深在廣東時期,與粵系之陳銘樞、陳濟棠及張發奎關係有著強固的軍中業緣關係連結。二陳與李之關係,因為蔣中正介入後產生變化,陳銘樞後因反蔣與李再度結合,陳濟棠則自此與李形同陌路。而張發奎與汪精衛政治理念相近,遂與李分道揚鑣。新桂系與李濟深關係有著地緣關係及扶植者之強連結,惟因實際之現實利益而轉趨弱化。李濟深與蔣中正關係,影響其在政壇起伏升降最重要之因素,但卻是其最無法左右之人際網絡,反蔣可謂是湯山被囚後李之主要政治目標,畢生之職志。李之堅決反蔣抗日亦使民主黨派人士、反蔣人士及中國共產黨人集聚於其門下,或極力拉攏之。 李濟深利用時局及其黨政軍之人際網絡,為自身構築出複雜綿密又極具影響力之人際網絡,使其在中國現代史上佔有一席之地,可與蔣中正為敵,並為中共所看重。 關鍵字:李濟深、人際網絡、粵系、新桂系、反蔣


人際網絡 反蔣 新桂系 粵系 李濟深


Li Jishen joined the Guangdong army in 1921 at the invitation of Deng Keng, the chief of staff and his schoolmate. Ever since, Li was able to exercise his influence on others by means of the superior-subordinate relationship in the army. In March 1929, Chiang Kai-shek expelled Li from the Kuomintang and placed him in detention in Tangshan. As a result, Li was deprived of his political and military power. However, the political prestige he had accumulated over the years made him the spiritual leader of the anti-Chiang alliance. Li’s stand of anti-Chiang and anti-Japanese led him to be expelled from and rejoined the Kuomingtang three times. Li rose to power in Guangdong, but local people’s exclusiveness made it hard for Guangxi-born Li to hold a position there. Li established strong working relationships with Chen Mingshu, Chen Jitang and Zhang Fakui. All of them belonged to the Guangdong clique. The relationships between Li and two Chens changed because of Chiang Kai-Shek’s intervention. Chen Mingshu worked with Li again later as they both opposed Chiang, while Chen Jitang and Li became strangers. Zhang Fakui’s political ideas were close to Wang Jingwei’s, thus Zhang and Li went their separate ways. New Guangxi clique and Li’s strong connection of the geographical relation and fostering gradually weakened due to realistic conflict of interests. The relationship between Li and Chiang was the most important factor of Li’s status in politics. However, Li had no control of it at all. After his detention in Tangshan, Li had made anti-Chiang his main political goal and the mission of his life. Li’s firm stand to oppose Chiang and to fight against Japan attracted members in democratic parties and in Chinese Communist Party as well as those who were anti-Chiang. Li took advantage of the political situation and his personal network in the party, the government and the army to develop a complicated, closely interwoven and powerful network. Therefore, Li played an important role in the contemporary history of China as he could contend against Chiang and be valued by the Chinese Communist Party. Keywords: Li Jishen, personal network, Guangdong clique, New Guangxi clique, anti-Chiang




王中山、牛玉峰主編,《中國民主黨派史叢書 中國國民黨革命委員會卷》,石家莊:河北人民出版社,2001年12月,第1版。

