  • 學位論文


A Study of The Execution Model between Major and Minor Sports League Using The Corps Theory

指導教授 : 林晉榮


摘要 本研究以CORPS理論模式分別探討運動大聯盟與運動小聯盟運作之六大面向,分別探討服務對象、業務運作、財務資源、人力資源、服務內涵與決策角色,藉以得知運動大小聯盟現今經營模式,並提出相對因應策略。本研究以三位運動大聯盟與五位小聯盟的成員為研究對象,進行深入訪談,並將訪談過程全程錄音紀綠,轉為逐字稿,經過編碼後呈現。藉由資料三角檢定,提高研究的一致性,其研究結果如下所述: 就運動小聯盟之服務對象部分是以銀髮族婦女及老人族群為主,並透過農會、社區發展協會與單項委員會等單位加強宣導或開班授課;其業務運作為輔導社區成立運動社團並積極與縣市政府單位合作,維持小聯盟業務之穩定性;其財務資源為固定的專案補助與額外捐款,但常有發生經費不足之現象;在參與者部分,內部業務承辦人員大都為兼職人員,透過單項委員會、運動社團與其它組織成員擔任體育志工,分擔各項行政業務;其服務項目以運動休閒為主,有氧運動項目居多;其決策核心皆以理事長與總幹事為主要運作模式。 運動大聯盟之服務對象主要為運動小聯盟及透過單項委員會結合各鄉鎮社區之婦女、退休者與農林漁牧等族群,辦理各類運動指導班;其業務運作為輔導與監督各運動小聯盟與運動社團運作狀況,並結合政府與企業,作為官方與民間宣揚理念之橋樑;其財務資源為固定的專案補助與企業捐款,或由高財力或高社經地位擔任,以為支援;在參與者部分,內部業務由專職人員承辦,並透過專業課程提升專業知能,配合體育志工的編制減輕專職人員之業務;其服務項目以對運動小聯盟與運動社團的行政輔導與活動邀請為主,以舞蹈健身類的運動社團為主要邀請對象;其決策核心以理事長與總幹事影響組織穩定性。 經過研究結果得知營運現況與缺失,並針對追蹤服務對象、財務困境、人力缺乏與業務繁瑣等不足之處,分別提出建置資訊系統、自主營運、招聘專職人員與簡化行政程序之建議。


abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the six dimensions of sport major league and minor league by using CORPS theory, which included clients, operations, resources, participants, services, core decision in order to understand the running model and proposed the suitable strategy. This subject of this study was recruited by three faculties of major league and five faculties of minor league, which went to In-depth interview with recording the process, and then presented when converted to transcripts and encoded. Enhancing the consistency of the study by data triangulation, the results show as following: The clients of sports minor league were mainly senior lady and the elderly, which open exercise and recreation classes through farmers' associations, community development associations and local sport federations. The operations of the minor league to establish sports clubs and cooperated with enterprise and government project to maintain the stability of league; its financial resources came from county subsidy and additional donations, but the funding always not enough to balance. In participants part:, the faculty were part-time job and was shared with local sports federation, sports clubs and other organizations to assist sports volunteers, shared various administrative services; the functional services were included leisure, sports, aerobics majority especially; The all league affairs were decided by chairman and the general secretary. The clients of the major sports league came from minor league and local sport league to associate senior woman, elderly in township communities, which to assist sports clubs and sports classes; its operations were tutor and supervise leagues and sports clubs , connected with the government and enterprises to promote sports for all concept as the bridge between government and enterprise; its financial resources were came from project grants and donations, or supported from high finance or high socioeconomic status members; in participants , the internal business was hired by full-time staff and through professional courses to enhance their professional knowledge, with the establishment of sports volunteers to reduce the burden of full-time staff; their major services were administration counseling and sport event invitations to the minor sports league and sports clubs and they mostly invited dance and fitness sport clubs; The major league affairs were decided by chairman and the general secretary. After the results for this study, the current situation and shortage of operations situation for clients, financial, lack of manpower which suggesting to propose establishing information technology system, independent operations, recruiting full-time faculty, and simplification of administrative procedures.


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