  • 學位論文


A Study on the Caring Experiences and the Life Meaning of Primary Caregivers for People with Dementia

指導教授 : 蔡秀美


失智症照顧者照顧經驗及其生命意義之研究 指導教授:蔡秀美博士 研究生:施惠娟 摘要 本研究旨在探討失智症主要照顧者的照顧經驗及其對生命意義之看法,據此本研究的目的如下:一、探討失智症照顧者的照顧經驗。二、探討失智症照顧者在照顧經驗中的生命意義。本研究採質性研究,對三位失智症主要照顧者進行深度訪談。 本研究經資料分析獲得以下結論: 壹、失智症照顧者的照顧經驗: 一、照顧者主動選擇負責的動機,影響其面臨困境的態度 二、長期照顧不僅造成照顧者身心沈重負荷,也影響其心靈健康 三、社會支持中,對照顧者的情緒性支持與實質福利補助一樣重要 四、照顧工作中的挑戰激發照顧者充權展能,獲得正向照顧經驗 貳、失智症照顧者在照顧經驗中的生命意義: 一、照顧者視照顧為人生使命,在實踐中自我實現 二、照顧者在照顧歷程中體驗人生的真善美 三、照顧者藉由態度轉化決定經驗的價值和找到生命意義 四、生命意義感定位照顧工作,促使個人內在靈性的成熟 根據本研究之結論,分別針對照顧者、長期照顧及教育政策面和未來研究提出建議。就照顧者的建議包括:一、照顧者要先學會照顧自己;二、照顧者要學習自我充能、發揮優勢,才能充權展能。政策面建議包括:對教育政策、長期照顧政策的建議,以及對未來研究的建議。 關鍵字:失智症、照顧經驗、生命意義


A Study on the Caring Experiences and the Life Meaning of Primary Caregivers for People with Dementia Advisor: Dr. Hsiu-Mei Tsai Student : Hui-Chuan Shih Abstract This study is to explore the caring experiences and the life meaning of primary caregivers for people with dementia. In this qualitative approach, three primary caregivers for people with dementia are interviewed in-depth. Two purposes of the study are as follows: 1. To study the caring experiences of the primary caregivers for people with dementia. 2. To explore how the primary caregivers for people with dementia get the life value and life meanings. After organizing and analyzing the interview information, two conclusions are found as follows: 1.About the caring experiences of the primary caregivers for people with dementia. (1)If caregivers are voluntary to be responsible for people with dementia, their attitude toward dealing with the frustrations will be influenced. (2) For caregivers, long-term care not only brings them a heavy burden but also causes some mental problems. (3) As for social supports for the caregivers, emotional supports are as important as subsidies. (4) The challenges to care can inspire the caregivers to empower themselves, so that they can get the positive caring experiences. 2. About the life value and the life meanings from the primary caregivers for people with dementia. (1) The caregivers regard caring as their mission of life, and obtain self-actualization in it. (2) The caregivers can experience the values of life through the progress of caring. (3) By changing caregivers’ attitude, they determine the value of experience and find the meaning of life. (4) Value and meaning of existence identify the care work as well as maturing individual intelligence. 3. About the suggestions for caregivers. (1) Caregivers have to learn to take care of themselves first. (2) Caregivers should empower and surmount themselves. Key words: dementia, caring experiences, life meaning


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