  • 學位論文


A Research Study of Architectural Outward Appearances and Organizational Images

指導教授 : 鍾憲瑞


資訊爆炸的時代下,在商品似山,貨物如海,產品生命週期變短的市場,企業間差異日小,隨著消費行為轉向生活態度需求,民眾的情感已由物質價值過渡為情感價值,市場也由價格、品質戰轉向企業之差異化,因此對組織形象差異化、強化聯結與形象的溝通,也就益發重要,而視覺是最直接的溝通,建築物也是環境中各組織間最易傳遞形象的場域。本研究重點包含:四個產業的建築形象聯結探討,本研究採用質性研究之方法進行研究探討,探討研究結果發現:一、建築外觀能強化聯結民眾對組織形象的認知。二、建築物的顏色、建築量體堆疊、線條、材質與空間位置規劃,可以成為組織形象不同的傳達表現方式。 關鍵字:建築外觀、組織形象、知覺


知覺 組織形象 建築外觀


In the information exposition, with numerous products and short product life cycle, the differences between enterprises are little. With consumption behavior shifts to demand of life attitude, the people’s emotion has been emotional value from before material value. The markets also deviate from price and quality competition to enterprise differentiation. Therefore, differentiate the organizational image and intensify the link and communication about image are so important. However, the vision is the most direct communication. The architecture is most facile to express the organizational image. The focus of this study include: the construction of four industrial image links to explore, this study used qualitative research methods to study. The research emphasizes :1. The architectural outward appearance can intensify people’s comprehension to the organizational image.2.The color、 body、 construction、 materials and arrangement of space can express the different organizational image. Key words:The architectural outward appearance、 The organizational image、 awareness


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