  • 學位論文

數位時代我國公視節目品牌策略之研究 -以「公視人生劇展」為例

The Brand Strategies of PTS Program in Digital Age-The Case Study of "Life Story"

指導教授 : 胡元輝


傳播產業與媒體市場產生根本性的改變,也間接地改變了組織的經營管理策略,品牌管理也相繼成為各國媒體業運用的策略,然而由於複雜的政經環境因素及邁入數位時代的影響,我國公共電視如何在內、外環境的轉變下,建構具體有效的品牌策略似乎愈見其重要性。本研究以國外公共電視節目的品牌營運策略做基礎,探討公共電視台是否可藉由「公視人生劇展」之獨特性,以節目品牌策略的角度重構明確的經營發展主軸,並從閱聽人跟媒介的回饋,以實務現況與訪談分析,思考媒體本身的競爭優勢及兩者之間的認同差異,進一步探討我國公視目前的節目品牌建構及未來可行之道。   本研究發現經營者所要塑造的節目品牌認同與閱聽眾持有的品牌形象存在若干認知落差,顯示經營者與規劃人員在組織與節目管理上未能在足夠的制高點上建立完整的節目品牌策略,而本研究則針對兩者間的落差提出建議。首先為加強組織與員工對節目整體的品牌經營策略認知與覺醒,以完整化電視台整體的節目品牌經營策略,同時再針對各節目進行細部的品牌經營,讓特定人員為節目本身的特點與優勢進行跨媒體整合的節目品牌管理,融入閱聽眾的生活型態。其次為強化戲劇本質特點,打破既有形象,以此戲劇節目特點作為新形象的開端,藉由戲劇的新形象打造出另一個電視台的經營特色。


Media industry and market have a fundamental change, and they make the brand strategy become an important management in the media industry. However, the complex political and economic environment make PTS into a difficult situation, so it’s necessary to build an effective brand strategy to face the inner and outer changes in the media environment. The purpose of this study was based on the brand management from different public televisions and programs, then investigated whether PTS could use “Life Story” to build its own program brand strategy or not. Moreover, this study use intensive interviews and focus group to get the feedback from organization and audience in order to figure out the competitive advantages of PTS, and develop a clear program brand strategy in the future.   The study found that there is a cognitive gap between the program brand identity from organization and the program brand image from audiences. The finding shows that manager and planners didn’t have an appropriate and complete brand strategy for the program to promote and development. Therefore, the following is the recommendations to fix these gaps. First, the organization and employees need to strengthen their brand awareness and adopt a new cross-media brand management strategy for each program. Second, the unique characteristics and play of “Life Story” can break the existing image from PTS, and create a new image for it, so PTS can develop another strategy management.


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drivers of sustainable business success. New York:Simon & Schuster Inc.)
