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The U.S. Return to Asia: The South China Sea Disputes

指導教授 : 陳亮智


近年來,中國大陸迅速的發展,其經濟、軍事與外交的影響力,已逐漸影響了美國原本在亞太地區的存在感,對於中國不斷向外擴展的策略下,美國不得不重回亞洲地區,正視全球第二大經濟體所帶來的威脅。南海海域上的爭端,從20世紀就已經開始,由於該海域歷史背景較複雜,並且地理位置坐落於海上交通運輸的樞紐,以至於南海海域不僅受到爭端國(中華民國、中國大陸、菲律賓、越南、馬來西亞和印尼等)爭相爭取,其餘非爭端國(美國、日本和印度等)也以協助盟國為由,積極的介入南海爭端的問題。其中非爭端國又以美國最具影響力,由於深感中國大陸對其的威脅性不容小覷。 美國在以重返亞洲的口號,重新將勢力踏回亞洲地區,其公開聲明該政策與其政策推行的主要原因,皆是針對中國大陸逐漸龐大的勢力。為有效的制止其勢力逐漸擴展,本身又受到資源投入受限制的情況下,以下政策作為打擊中國勢力的方法:(一)加強雙邊安全聯盟;(二)參與區域性多邊機構;(三)擴大貿易和投資;(四)見夠廣泛基礎的軍事存在;(五)促進民主和人權等。其政策主要以加強南海海域盟國間的軍事、經濟與外交上面的合作關係,不僅藉由本身於國際上仍為經濟第一大國的實力,予以盟國適當的庇護,更積極尋求與中國關係較為緊張或者立場對立的國家作為合作對象。 在美國高調宣布介入南海海域的爭端,與發展程度逐漸追上美國的中國大陸於南海上不斷造成的威脅,和其他南海海域諸國對於該仰賴美國或者中國間的選擇,其三角複雜關係已充斥於南海海域上。


In recent years , due to China rapidly development and its economic, military and diplomatic all of them influence to United States in the Asia Pacific region. China continues to expand outward, the United States had to return to the Asian region, face the threat of the world's second largest economy. The South China Sea dispute had begun from the 20th century. The historical background is complicated and the sea located in the geographic hub of maritime transport, the South China Sea not only receives the dispute country (Taiwan, China, Philippines, Vietnam Malaysia and Indonesia ) competition for sovereignty, non- disputing country ( the U.S., Japan and India , etc.) to assist the allies and actively involved in the issue of the South China Sea dispute. Which non dispute the most influential country in the United States, due to its deeply threatening mainland China should not be underestimated. The United States to return to Asia slogan step back to the Asian region that is trying to against the huge forces of China. To effectively stop its forces gradually extended but restricted by the availability of resources, has the following policies: (a) strengthening bilateral security alliances; (b) participation in regional multilateral institutions; (c) expanding trade and investment; (d) broad-based military presence; and (e) the promotion of democracy and human rights. Its policy is strengthen the military, economic and diplomatic cooperation between the South China Sea allies, provide shelter to allies also seek partnerships. The United States announced that involve in the South China Sea dispute, China with the high level of development continue to cause a threat in the sea, and the South China Sea countries face to choice between the United States or China.




李瓊莉,「美國重返亞洲對區域主義之意涵」,全球政治評論,第39期(2012年7月) ,頁87-103。
