  • 學位論文


Levinas’ Ethics of Responsibility-for-the-Other and the Implications of Teacher-Student Relationship

指導教授 : 李奉儒


本研究旨在探討E. Levinas的為他倫理學內涵,並闡釋其在師生關係上之蘊義。藉由Gadamer的詮釋學研究法,首先探討Levinas為他倫理學之思想背景;繼而深入其理論內涵並評析其限制;最後則探討Levinas為他倫理學在師生關係上之蘊義。   本研究的結論如下: 一、Levinas思想背景可從四個面向探討,首先,他的哲學深受Husserl與Heidegger的現象學所影響;其次,當代法國哲學對「差異性」日漸重視; 第三,Levinas出生於猶太家庭,深受猶太思想啟發;第四,Levinas在文化層面上受到俄國文學、聖經以及從小身處各種語言環境的影響,在歷史層 面上則受到戰亂以及納粹迫害。 二、Levinas為他倫理學的理論意涵,在於首先他批判了Heidegger以來的本體論是化約他者的權力哲學,並視倫理學為第一哲學;其次,Levinas的倫 理學是以「他者」、「面容」與「責任」三個主要核心概念出發;第三,「親 近」是一種對他者立即性的著迷,能在保留他者他異性的同時,也擴展我的 主體性;第四,「第三者」的出現帶出了「正義」,有了「正義」才有社會系 統的確立,以及在最後發現Levinas的理論限制,主要為語言晦澀、論點充 滿矛盾,且過於理想化而難以維持。 三、Levinas為他倫理學在師生關係上之教育蘊義,包括師生之間應是不對稱的倫理關係;面對學生面容召喚的立即性,在於教師的「感受力」;以及教師 必須在學生的他異性有了受到尊重的經驗後,進而帶領學生學習尊重他者的他異性。   綜合上述發現,本研究的建議如下: 一、在師生關係方面的建議 (一)師生之間應以良好的師生關係為前提,認知方面的知識反而是其次。 (二)建立良好的師生關係,不應只是教師或學生單方面的責任。 (三)「從他者學習」方能達到教學相長之功效。 (四)為了體察學生的需求,教師必須時時警覺,提升並維持自己的感受力。 (五)教學設計必須加入學生及第三者的討論,而不是只教導教師想教的課程。 (六)班級契約可由教師與學生共同討論,並適時適度修正。 (七)對學生的接納與尊重,應置於對不同文化的信念、傳統和語言的認識之前。 (八)教師必須創造學生接納他人的機會。 二、在後續研究方面的建議 (一)可將Levinas理論化為實踐,進入現場觀察今日學校的師生關係是否符合「為他倫理」的情形。 (二)可進一步探討為他倫理學在和平教育上的啟示。


This paper aimed to explore the main topics of Levinas’ ethics of responsibility- for- the- Other, and its implications of teacher-student relationship. By Gadamer’s hermeneutic research method, the research included the following: first, to explore ideological background of Levinas’ ethics of responsibility- for- the- Other; second, to penetrate deeply Levinas’ theory and comment its limitations; final, to explore the implications of teacher-student relationship. The research findings were as follows: (1) There were four aspects from Levinas’ ideological background. First, Levinas’ theory was influenced profoundly by Husserl’s and Heidegger’s Phenomenology. Second, the “difference” was more important in modern French philosophy. Third, Levinas was born in Jewish family, and affected deeply by Jewish thought. Forth, at the culture level, Levinas was affected by Russian literature, Bible and multi-language and at the history level, he suffered from the persecution of war and Nazi. (2) The significance of Levinas’ ethics of responsibility- for- the- Other included: first, he criticized the Ontology that was a philosophy of power to simplify Other and considered ethics as the first philosophy at that time. Second, Levinas’ ethics was from ”the Other”, “the face” and “responsibility”. Third, “proximity” was an immediate obsession to the Other. It not only kept the Other’s alterity but also expended one’s subjectivity. Fourth, after “the Third” led out the ”justice”, the social system was formed. Finally, Levinas’ theoretical limitation contained the obscure language, contradictory arguments and too idealistic to maintain. (3) The implications of teacher-student relationship of Levinas’ ethics of responsibility- for- the- Other included that the relationship between teacher and students was asymmetric, and the immediacy of summoning students when facing them by lying teacher’s “sensibility”. After students’ alterity had the experience of respect, the teacher must lead students to learn how to respect others’ alterity. The suggestions from this research were as follows: (1) for teacher-student relationship: a. The relationship between teachers and students should be based on the premise of a good teacher-student relationship and the cognitive knowledge was placed secondly. b. Building the good relationship between teacher and students should not be teacher’s or students’ unilateral responsibility . c. Through learning from the Other ” could reach that teaching is learning. d. In order to understand the needs of students, teachers must always be vigilant, and maintain their own sensibility. e. The Instruction must be designed through teachers, students and third parties together instead of just teachers. f. Rules for Class should be discussed by teachers and students, and corrected them appropriately. g. Acceptance and respect for students should be placed before the beliefs of different cultures, traditions and language understanding. h. Teachers have to create opportunities of accepting others for students. (2) for follow- up research: a. Take Levinas’ theory into practice and observe the teacher-student relationship in class to find whether it is consistency between the real situation and “ethics of responsibility- for- the- Other " or not. b. To explore the implications of ethics on peace education.


張鍠焜(2007)。E. Levinas「為他」倫理學及其德育蘊義。教育研究集刊,53(3),67-92。
李儀珊(2008)。E. Levinas為他倫理學及其教育蘊義。國立台灣師範大學教育學系碩士論文,未出版,台北。
