  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influencing Factors and the Relationship of Customers' Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Intention to Recommend in Adult Foreign Language Cram School

指導教授 : 廖則竣


在這競爭的市場中,因為消費者意識的抬頭,在各個服務業中,會盡量滿足消費者的需求。而補教業也是服務業的其中一環,當學員在選擇補習班時,就是像一般消費者在選取最符合自己需求的服務。在補教業越來越普及的情況下,要在許多補習班中脫穎而出,有幾項重要因素需要注意。 本研究列出幾項會影響學員滿意度的因素來探討,包含了服務品質、環境品質、品牌形象、學習成效、教學品質、教師專業這些前因,並且利用了價格因素當作調節因子,來探討學員是否會在意價格的高低來影響本來所做的決定,接著對於滿意後所帶來的後續效應,包含了忠誠度及推薦意願。利用此研究模式來探討成人外語補習班應該具備哪些條件,會吸引學員的注意,並選擇此成人外語補習班,使得補習班能夠創造更大的效益,提升其利潤及成長。本研究利用問卷調查法,以雲嘉地區三間外語成人補習班為探討對象,有效問卷為232份,主要利用結構方程模式來驗證研究模式中各變數之間的因果關係。 研究結果顯示,環境品質、品牌形象、教學品質、教師專業對滿意度呈現顯著的正向影響,而服務品質與學習成效則呈現不顯著的情況,在滿意度對忠誠度及推薦意願上皆呈現高顯著的正向影響。而在價格因素調節因子上,對於影響滿意度的前因為部分支持,而在滿意度對後續的影響上並沒有顯著的效果。整體上,本研究結果對於理論面與實際面皆具有良好的結果。


In the competitive market environment, because of the rise of consumer awareness, they all want to satisfy the consumers’ demands in various service industries. The cram school industry is one of the service industries, when the students choose the cram school, the process is like that the general consumers want to choose the services which are the best fit their needs. While the cram schools are more and more popular, if they want to become best and shining, some important factors are needed attention about it. The study lists several factors which will affect the satisfaction of students, including service quality, environment quality, brand image, learning effect, teaching quality, teacher profession these antecedents, and use the price factors as the moderator, which explores whether the price factors could influence the satisfaction, and subsequent effects about the loyalty and intention to recommend. With this research model to explore what conditions should have cram schools, how to attract the attention of students and choose this cram school, which could create greater efficiency and enhance the profitability and growth. The questionnaire survey method was adopted, with the 3 cram schools for adults in Chiayi and Yunlin as the data collection region, a total of 232 questionnaire copies were collected. The Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) was selected as the main method to verify the causal relationship between the variables in the research model. The results show that environment quality, brand image, teaching quality, teacher profession had a significantly positive impact on the degree of satisfaction, and service quality and learning effect did not. In addition, the satisfaction had a positive impact on the loyalty and intention to recommend. And the moderator partly supported the factors which affect the satisfaction, and perfectly supported the degree of satisfaction affects the loyalty and intention to recommend. Overall, the research results are considered good results both in theory and in practice.


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