  • 學位論文


On Concatenated Huffman Codes for Lossless Audio Compressions

指導教授 : 邱茂清


本論文主要針對無失真(lossless)音訊壓縮做探討,近十多年來,由於人們對高品質的聲音需求越來越大,故無失真(lossless)方式傳遞聲音變得越來越重要。在開發階段使用個人電腦平台配以DAQ來擷取資料其感測以交流馬達所為輸出訊號。本篇論文主要由正規化最小平均平方(Normalized least mean square)演算法預測模型與串接霍夫曼演算法的熵編碼組成。如何降低霍夫曼演算法複雜度與較好的壓縮率也是本論文重點。


In this thesis, we proposed a lossless audio compression algorithm. For recently years, people require more and more high quality audio, and hence lossless audio compression algorithm plays an important role. During the development stage, PC-based DAQ system is used to acquire data. The major signals we used are recorded from a interflow motor. The proposed compression algorithm is composed of a prediction module using normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithm followed by an entropy coding with a concatenated Huffman code. Designing a low-complexity algorithm with great compression ratio is the aim of this research.


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