  • 學位論文

詹姆士‧喬伊斯《一位年輕藝術家的畫像》: 史蒂芬.狄德勒斯的自我異化與想像

Stephen Dedalus’s Self-Alienation and Fantasy in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

指導教授 : 楊意鈴


詹姆士‧喬伊斯的《一位年輕藝術家的畫像》描述了很多有關二十世紀初愛爾蘭的政治、宗教和身分認同等議題。喬伊斯在二十世紀時,以小說和詩而聞名。而《一位年輕藝術家的畫像》描述了故事的主人翁:史蒂芬‧狄德勒斯的童年到成人的歲月過程。在這過程中,史蒂芬的內在想法和對話充分展現了他個人對於家庭、宗教和身分認同的矛盾。史蒂芬利用自我異化的方式,與周遭環境的微妙距離來做細膩的觀察,結果同時也造就了史蒂芬的這段孤獨歲月。 在本論文當中,第一章的部分主張故事主人翁,史蒂芬‧狄德勒斯因為無盡的自我異化和孤獨感,導致他必須從自我異化中尋求安全感和歸屬感。第二章則談論到史蒂芬在自我異化當中,發展出自己對於外在環境的想像,來為自己的歸屬感和身分認同做解套。然而,想像雖然短暫的為史蒂芬緩解孤獨感所帶來的痛苦,卻不是一帖可以藥到病除的特效藥。最終,史蒂芬仍然是別無選擇地必須回到他最不想要面對的現實。


James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man makes a number of consultations on politics, religion and identity of early-twentieth-century Ireland. It is an autobiographical novel which depicts the childhood and adolescence of the protagonist Stephen Dedalus and his growing process. In this period, it is fulfilled with Stephen’s inner thoughts and interior monologue which reveal Stephen’s self-contradiction toward identity, religion and relation. Stephen demonstrates his way of being by presenting his way of observing and perceiving surroundings as well as his view on religion, family and identity. These elements become conflicts during his growing. As a result, Stephen feels distanced from the outside world, and goes far from reality. His feeling of isolation increases in his growth and forms a painful alienation. The thesis is divided into two chapters. In the first chapter, Stephen Dedalus’s voluntary self-alienation helps him to locate himself and get a sense of desired identity. Readers can get inside Stephen’s mind to know how he records and responds to reality. In the process of self-alienation, Stephen begins to identify himself with the secular world. In the second chapter, Stephen’s profound fantasy and its functions will be discussed. Although Stephen feels depressed by the reality, fantasy comforts him and gives him another exit. However, fantasy is still fantasy. The joy of fantasy is collapsed and Stephen has no choice but to face reality again. Therefore, after having disappointment in fantasy, Stephen needs to find another way to leave reality behind, or he has to go back to face the original family and country problems.


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