  • 學位論文

基層警察人員問題飲酒行為因素之研究 — 一般化緊張理論之驗證

A Study on Problem Drinking Behaviors of Elementary Police Officers

指導教授 : 楊士隆


警政當局為防制員警不當飲酒行為,規定對違者重懲,但違反事件仍時有所聞,其中基層警察人員站在工作第一線,面臨直接工作壓力,更易生問題飲酒行為。有關研究多著重在此問題之「現象」面及「環境」面,甚少深入探討其肇發之心理機制,及有關主、客觀因素。本研究因此以相關客觀環境因素及問題現象為基礎,而以緊張理論為主,輔以社會支持、工作壓力及工作投入等觀點,探討緊張因素、飲酒態度、工作投入、低自我控制、社會支持、工作壓力與基層警察人員問題飲酒行為之間的關係,冀能了解其「原因」面及「心理」面因素,提供防制對策之參考。 本研究緊張因素、內在因素之飲酒態度、工作投入、低自我控制,及外在因素之社會支持、工作壓力等六項為自變項,以性別、年齡、教育程度、年資、婚姻狀況、工作屬性及職級等七項為控制變項,「基層警察人員問題飲酒行為」為依變項,設計「員警工作、生活狀況調查問卷」,針對台中市政府警察局所屬十四個分局4244名基層警察人員,隨機抽樣1400位調查,有效樣本1182份,經統計及藉巢式迴歸分析,探討各自變項與基層警察員人員問題飲酒行為之關聯性,及各自變項之間,在影響基層警察人員問題飲酒行為發生時之相互影響情形。研究發現「與他人負面關係」、「負面生活事件」、「效果期待」、「低自我控制」、「工作負荷過度」及「同事支持」等因子,與基層警察人員問題飲酒行為的發生最具關聯性;又年齡愈年輕、服務年資愈久、分居的基層警察人員,以及刑事小隊長等,為較容易發生問題飲酒行為之對象。爰據以建議有關防制策略建議包括純化警察專業任務,減輕警察工作壓力;確立警察剛性執法定位,降低追求服務角色衝突;導正警察偏差飲酒文化,消弭不當飲酒效果期待;勤務編排顧及休養需求,促使員警樂在投入工作;派用專才擔任專業工作,避免無法勝任產生挫折;建立完善心理諮商輔導機制,強化員警自我控制能力;幹部主動深入關懷所屬工作及生活情況,及時輔導紓解負面情緒及處理導正問題行為;強化家庭及同事支持,及時協助紓解個人問題;加強高風險對象之管理約制,輔導減少再犯頻率或人數等。


Despite the threat of severe punishment imposed by the police authorities to control inappropriate drinking behavior of the police officers, violations of law still happen occasionally. Among these cases, the elementary police officers are especially prone to problem drinking due to the pressure they faced in the front lines. Previous researches mostly focused on the phenomenon itself and how external environment contributes to this issue, rather than delving into the internal aspects, both subjective and objective factors included, that cause problem drinking of the police. Therefore, basing on environmental factors and problem phenomena, this study mainly applies the Strain Theory, supplemented with the perspectives of social support, work stress and job commitment, to explore the relationships between the problem drinking behaviors of elementary police officers and aspects such as strain factors, drinking attitude, work commitment, low self control, social support and job stress. In this way, the study aims to understand the reasons and psychology behind the issue to help with the establishment of future control measures. This research takes internal factors such as strain factors, drinking attitude, job commitment, low self control and external factors such as social support and work stress as independent variables; sex, age, level of education, seniority, marriage situation, work property and rank as control variables; and problem drinking behaviors of elementary police officers as dependent variable. Questionnaires about work and living condition are designed to survey 1400 elementary police officers, randomly sampled from 4244 officers from 14 precincts of Taichung City Police Department. As a result, 1182 effective samples are collected for statistical analysis and the operation of nested regression model in order to explore the relevance between each independent variable and problem drinking behaviors of elementary police officers, as well as the interactions between independent variables in causing this issue. The research discovers that “negative relationship with others,” “negative life events,” “effect anticipation,” “low self control,” “excessive workload” and “colleague support” are most relevant to problem drinking behaviors of elementary police officers. Also, the police officers with younger age, longer length of service, under separation with spouse, and leaders of Criminal Investigation are among the groups that are most likely to conduct problem drinking behaviors. In conclusion, several control measures are suggested to solve the problem drinking of elementary police officers based on the research: specialization and division of professional tasks to ease the work stress, establishment of rigid law enforcement position to reduce the role conflict in public service, correction of deviant police drinking culture and elimination of false anticipation in excessive drinking, consideration of rest time in work arrangement to prompt work commitment, proper appointment of works based on profession to avoid frustration due to work incompetence, establishment of a perfect psychological counseling system to strengthen the self-control ability of police officers, the superiors’ care about working and living conditions of subordinates to alleviate their negative emotion and correct problem behaviors timely, the strengthening of support from families and colleagues to help with personal problems, and the reinforcement of restraining high risk objects to reduce the frequency or number of repetitive offense in the future.


吳和堂、鍾明翰(2011)。國小實習教師的角色知覺, 工作投入與專業成長之因果關係研究。教育心理學報,43(2),419-438。


