  • 學位論文


A Study of Delinquents’ Life Course in Grandparent Family

指導教授 : 陳慈幸


本研究目的為探討隔代教養犯罪少年之生命歷程,並從中了解與學校、社區鄰里及刑事司法機構間的交互作用。本研究以明陽中學四名具隔代教養家庭背景之收容少年為主要質性訪談對象,並進一步從文本中提取出不同概念,再依研究動機與目的形成相關主題。分析結果如下: 首先,本研究受訪者之原生家庭皆經歷變故,而轉由祖輩完全擔負照料之責,然因祖孫關係日漸疏離惡化,進一步出現受訪者返回與父母同住及自行在外租屋之情形,因而處於不穩定之家庭生活狀態。另外,就家庭內部互動關係而言,發現受訪者所經歷的隔代教養管教傾向專制或放任之兩極化發展,且由於缺乏情感交流及代間差距等因素,阻礙其祖孫間之溝通互動,同時原生父母缺席、兄長手足之模範作用及其他親戚一同介入管教,亦影響受訪者於家庭內之社會化過程。 再者,受訪者之隔代教養經驗進一步延伸至學校與社區鄰里,前者因祖輩自身教育程度的限制,難以對受訪者的課業提供實質協助,亦鮮少與學校互動,加上受訪者缺乏與老師及同儕間之連結,且喪失學習興趣,因而出現逃學或中輟之情狀;後者則發現鄰里居民大多缺乏共同監督介入,且受訪者鮮少參與社區活動、兼職打工,因而在疏於管教與缺乏社會鍵的情況下,最終受偏差同儕的催化影響,形成各式偏差或犯罪行為。 最後,受訪者因身心成熟而統整自身成長過程,進一步重塑過去犯罪之自我形象,而當中與重要他人間之不同親疏關係,影響受訪者對自身看法之轉變,且並不會因隔代教養而認為被貼上標籤。同時,法規制定及明陽中學內部處遇降低正式標籤對受訪者之影響,並從中反省隔代教養的生命經驗,進一步重建修復祖孫關係。 綜合研究結果,本研究針對隔代教養、學校、社區鄰里及刑事司法系統提出具體建議。


The main purpose of this research is to study delinquents’ life course in grandparent family, and understand the correlation of school, neighborhood, and criminal justice system. This research chooses four interviewees who are imprisoned at Ming Yong Correctional High School. The findings are as follow: At first, family-of-origin of all interviewees has unexpected accident, so grandparents take responsibility for parenting. However, due to difficulties of interaction, interviewees come back to family-of-origin, or rent the house with their peers. Therefore, interviewees live in changing family structure. Furthermore, this research finds grandparents adopt the extreme parenting type of authority or noninterference, and difficulties of communication and generation gap hinder interaction between grandparents and interviewees. At the same time, the absence of parents, model effect of sibling, and interference of other relatives also make influence on the socialization process of interviewees. Secondly, grandparenting extends the influence to school and neighborhood. Due to education and physical conditions of grandparents, they cannot provide essential aid for interviewees’ achievement in school, and lack of interacting with teacher and school. Meanwhile, interviewees lack the opportunity of building social ties with school, and are short of learning interests, so they start to drop out of school. Then, in the neighborhood, the residents don’t establish complete network of supervising juveniles. Besides, interviewees seldom take part in traditional activities in their neighborhood, and begin to find part time jobs. In the end, interviewees are influenced by delinquent peers, and start to indulge themselves in behavior deviation or crimes. Finally, because of maturation and reviewing their own life experience, interviewees start to rebuild their self image, and the relationship with significant others also makes influence on interviewees. Besides, they aren’t labeled by the experience of grandparenting. At the same time, related law and the treatment of Ming Yong Correctional High School avoid forming formal labeling, and interviewees take this opportunity to examine their own grandparenting experience for rebuilding the relationship with grandparents. Based on the research findings, we are able to provide more solid and knowledgeable suggestions for grandparenting, school, neighborhood, and criminal justice system.


Delinquents Grandparenting Life course


李湘凌、高傅正(2006)。隔代教養幼兒在幼兒園生活適應之個案研究。應用心理研究, 11,37-56。
