  • 學位論文


Study of the Effects of Low-grade Students’ Attention Improvement by the Elementary School Teacher’s Implementation of Classics-reading Instruction

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


本研究旨在探討國小低年級學童在實施讀經教學後,在注意力方面的改善情形。本研究採行動研究法,以研究者任教的一年級學童為研究對象,實施十二週自編之讀經教學方案,使用的研究工具包括「多向度注意力測驗」、教師觀察省思札記、家長回饋問卷、學生自評表、科任教師回饋問卷等,並輔以訪談,以蒐集相關資料,探究讀經教學實施過程中學生在注意力方面的改善成效。 經由研究資料分析,本研究所得結論如下: 一、本研究所設計之讀經教學方案是一套適合低年級學童的教學模式。 二、讀經教學方案的實施,對國小低年級學童注意力改善有幫助。 三、讀經教學方案的實施,能獲得教師、學生與家長三方面的肯定。 四、此讀經教學方案適合作為國小教師改善低年級學童注意力之參考。 根據研究結果,本研究提出對讀經教學的建議: 一、教材內容可選擇「弟子規」與「唐詩」以符合低年級學生能力。 二、設計多樣化的讀經活動,可搭配CD、多媒體教材加以變化。 三、讀經教學應持續進行使之成為班級常態性活動。 四、讀經教學的時間與次數可彈性調整。 五、應使學童有更多學習與表現的機會。 六、正向支持的氣氛能使學童保持較佳的參與度。 七、成立校內的讀經教師社群。 八、宣導正確讀經理念,將讀經教學納入語文教育中。


This study aimed to investigate the low-grade students’ attention improvement after being given classics-reading instructions. It adopted action research method and the participants were the teacher researcher’s first-grade students. A twelve-week self-edited classics-reading instruction program was conducted. The research tools consisted of the multidimensional attention test, reflection notes of the teacher’s observations, parents’ feedback questionnaires, students’ self-evaluation sheets, subject teachers’ questionnaires as well as the interviews for data collection. The effects of students’ attention improvement through the implementation process of classics-reading instructions were explored. By means of data analysis, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The classics-reading instruction program designed in this study was a suitable teaching model for the low-grade students. 2. The low-grade students’ attention was improved by the implementation of classics-reading instruction program. 3. The implementation of classics-reading instruction program received the teachers’, students’, and parents’ recognition. 4. The classics-reading instruction program was suitable as references for the elementary school teachers to improve the low-grade students’ attention. Based on the results, suggestions for classics-reading instruction are proposed. 1.“Standards for Students” and “Tang Poems” can be chosen for the content of teaching materials to meet the learners’ abilities. 2. Diverse classics-reading activities can be designed with CDs and multi-media teaching materials so as to increase variety. 3. Classics-reading instructions should be conducted continuously to become a class normal activity. 4. Time and frequency of classics-reading activities are subject to change flexibly. 5. Schoolchildren should have more opportunities to learn and perform. 6. Positive and supportive atmosphere retain better schoolchildren’s participation. 7. The establishment of teacher community of classics-reading at school is suggested. 8. Correct ideals of classics-reading are to be promoted and classics-reading instructions should be included in language education.


林鋐宇、周台傑(2010)。國小兒童注意力測驗之編製。特殊教育研究學刊 35 卷
康恩昕 (2004)。團體音樂活動應用於注意力缺陷過動症幼兒注意力行為影響之
receiving pharmacological interventions. Remedical and Special


