  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 姚信安


摘要 電腦程式與人類生活緊密結合,為保護電腦程式著作人之權益,國際公約及各國皆立法以著作權加以保護。美國針對電腦程式除了以著作權法保護外,尚有反托拉斯法及統一電腦資訊交易法。歐盟在電腦程式快速發展後,訂立了電腦軟體指令及資訊社會著作權指令來規範電腦程式。我國著作權法亦將電腦程式列入保護,並配合防盜拷措施及電腦程式還原工程之規定,以保護著作權人之權益。 我國除了著作權法外,電腦程式著作授權契約同時受其他法律之規範,在電腦程式著作授權契約中,因授權契約內容乃電腦程式授權人單方預先擬定契約條款,係為與不特定多數人訂立同類契約,乃消費者保護法上之定型化契約。電腦程式因功能性顯著,在進入市場後容易取得獨占地位,進而需判斷獨占市場之電腦程式著作人是否有濫用獨占地位之情事,使其他競爭者不易進入市場,侵害消費者之權益。 針對我國現行著作權法不足之處,如著作權人利用防盜拷措施與授權契約相結合後規避競爭法之規範、著作權人透過契約禁止被授權人進行還原工程等,透過建立明確的審查基準、明文禁止規避法規範之各種行為、降低防盜拷措施之程度、採取分段授權等手段,藉以衡平著作權人權益與國家公共利益。 關鍵字:電腦程式、著作權授權契約、科技保護措施、還原工程、不公平競爭。


Abstract Computer programs nowadays play an important role in our daily life. In order to protect the computer program copyright holders' rights, many countries make software one of the subject matters protected in their copyright statutes. The United States, in addition, has enacted the Antitrust Law to regulate unfair competition acts on computer programs. The U.S. congress has also developed the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act to resolve software licensing issues. The European Union has ordained two directives to regulate software-related issues. One is the European Computer Software Directive, and the other one is the Directive on Copyright in the Information Society. Other than making computer programs one of the subject matters, Taiwanese Copyright Law has also adopted the provisions of technological protection measures and reverse engineering to protect the rights of the computer program copyright holders. Beside the copyright law, software licensing contracts are also regulated in other legal fields of law. Whoever accepts the software license agreement is called a consumer. The terms of the license agreements made by the copyright holders are called standard contract terms. It is not necessarily illegal when a copyright holder monopolizes the market with her computer program. The laws, however, censure the acts involving unfair competition which hinder other competitors enter the market, and devastate consumers' interests and rights. The laws should hence make some changes to ameliorate the inadequacies of our current copyright law, for example, copyright holders require licensees not to modify or reverse engineer the software, or remove the lawfully-protected technological protection measures. This theses attempts to solve the problems by proposing some legal solutions, such as creating clear prosecution standards, prohibiting evasive actions, lowering the threshold for anti-piracy measures, adopting the rule of segmented authorization. Keywords: computer programs, computer software license agreements, technological protection measures, reverse engineering, unfair competition.


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