  • 學位論文


U.S. Pivot To Asia Strategy and China’s Response, 2009-2013

指導教授 : 林正義


美國「戰略東移」(Pivot to Asia)政策,起源於2009年美國希拉蕊國務卿宣示「重返亞洲」(The United State is back)與2010年「前沿部署外交」(Forward-Deployed Diplomacy),在2011年撰文表達「戰略東移」至2012年美國針對亞太地區推動亞太「再平衡」(Rebalancing)政策,顯示美國對亞太地區的關注,政策內涵本身亦顯示出針對中國的色彩。   2001年911事件後中美增加在外交事務上的合作,在2009年美國歐巴馬總統撤出伊拉克與阿富汗政策下,美國逐漸加強對中國進行圍堵的外交策略,包含積極參與亞太地區主辦的論壇與會議、增派駐軍與軍事合作、推動經濟協議。中國積極回應美國在亞太地區的外交手段,中國國家主席習近平以「新型大國關係」作為中美雙邊關係的解釋。   長期以來,中國積極在亞太地區降低美國的影響力。2009年以來,中國強化與東南亞國家之間的經濟合作,持續推動「大湄公河次區域經濟合作計畫」(Greater Makong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program, GMS)與「區域全面經濟夥伴協定」(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, RCEP)等經濟整合,促使東南亞國家依賴中國資金與市場。另一方面,東海與南海的主權衝突,日本與南海周邊國家選擇加強與美國的關係,激化中國對日本的衝突,同時也加劇中國與南海周邊國家的主權糾紛。中國面對東海的釣魚台列嶼島權爭議與南海島權爭議採取攻勢作為,主權衝突視為國家核心利益,運用外交策略降低美國的影響力。   中國為降低周邊國家的疑慮並擴大影響力,以「新安全觀」作為安全理論基礎,建置「東海防空識別區」以達成合法掌控中國周邊空域。解放軍是中國捍衛權力的硬實力,也是中國攻勢作為的實力基礎。解放軍一方面與美軍建立軍事交流的管道,同時推動「反介入與區域拒止」(Anti-Access/Area Denial)戰略,針對美軍的「空海整體戰」發展,阻止美軍介入亞太地區。解放軍持續發展現代化軍備,尤其是海軍、空軍、二砲部隊的裝備性能提升,導致美軍擴大在亞太地區的軍事部署,增加周邊國家的壓力。   美國戰略東移的政策提出後,中國運用具體與務實的外交與國防政策回應美國的亞太政策。中美兩國持續在雙邊關係建立夥伴關係,同時也在亞太事務上競逐領導地位。未來,中國將持續回應美國的亞太政策,作為中國在亞太事務上的外交重心。


Abstract U.S. "Pivot to Asia" strategy started in 2009. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared "The United State is back" and proposed "Forward-Deployed Diplomacy" in 2010. Hillary Clinton published "America's Pacific Centry" article in 2011 which confirmed U.S. "Pivot to Asia" strategy. U.S. focus on the Asia-Pacific region with a new term "Asia-Pacific Rebalancing" in 2012, has implied its determination in checking China’s rising. The 911 attacks promoted U.S. cooperation with China in global anti-terrorism, but the focus of China came back as U.S. President Barack Obama withdrew U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan after 2009. U.S.’s Pivot to Asia strategy is explicitly indicated by participating in the Asia-Pacific regional forums and organizations, sending additional troops and strengthening military cooperation, and promoting regional economic integration. In response, China's President Xi Jinping proposed "A New Type of Major Country Relationship with the U.S." as an explanation of the relations between China and U.S.. China has strengthen economic cooperation with Southeast Asia in Asia-Pacific region, through promotion of "Greater Makong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program, GMS" and "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership , RCEP") for Increasing China influence. The conflict in East China Sea and South China Sea has driven Japan and the South China Sea claimants to strengthen security cooperation with U.S.. China has considered the disputed islands of East China Sea and South China Sea as its national core interests, so it has taken assertive actions against other claimants. China used "The New Security Concept" as the theoretical basis for security to comfort neighboring countries, but it unilaterally announced Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea in November 2013. Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA) is the tool of hard power to defend China core interest. Although the PLA enhanced military exchanges with the U.S. , it also developed Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) strategy against U.S "Air-Sea Battle" strategy in the Asia Pacific. The PLA keeps modernizing its armaments, especially the Navy, Air Force, Second Artillery Corps equipment in order to increase the pressure on the U.S. and China’s neighboring countries. After U.S. "Pivot to Asia" policy started, China's foreign and defense policy goes specific and pragmatic. China and the U.S. relations even continue their constructive partnership, in the meanwhile, both countries also compete for leadership in the Asia-Pacific. In the future, China security policy will still concentrate on response to U.S. rebalancing Asia-Pacific strategy.


