  • 學位論文

非營利機構之行銷策略研究- 以慈濟為例

Marketing Strategy of Religious-Based Non-Profit Organization:A Case of Tzu Chi

指導教授 : 許嘉文


隨著社會多元的發展,非營利組織在臺灣的發展逐漸受到各界的重視,以宗教型的非營利機構-慈濟基金會在臺灣是最早成立的非營利團體,在賑災、醫療、教育與人文等,對於社會進步的貢獻占有很重要的影響力。本研究透過文獻探討與次級資料整理,將非營利組織行銷策略作了初步的界定和論述,而行銷是一種工具,策略是達成組織使命的目的。 本研究之研究目的為探討非營利機構之行銷策略,以宗教型非營利組織-慈濟為研究對象,並以慈濟四大志業(慈善、醫療、教育、人文)為研究範圍,探討其成功吸引服務接受者與捐贈者信賴與支持之原因為何,透過檢視CORPS五項基本要素,哪項志業行銷策略成功深入人心,能作為其他非營利組織學習參考。 藉由CORPS模式分析之宗教型非營利組織的特性,除了展現在決策核心(Decision Core)的組成份子之外,同時也表現在參與人員(Participants)、業務運作(Operations)以及所提供的服務(Services)之上。針對所取得的資料進行檢核與分析後,研究發現顯示:慈濟成功深入人心除了決策核心領導者魅力之外,其他CORPS模式成功因素為:一、多重的服務對象;二、層級式組織架構與運作模式;三、充沛自主性資源與財務運用;四、龐大且有效率志工群;五、多元化服務項目。結合以上五點大重要因素可觀察出,在慈濟使命與理念之下皆能幫助到社會全體人民,例如:從出生後的教育、生病時的醫療、遇災難後的慈善援助、老後的社區關懷、往生後的助念等等,這四大志業、八大法印的成功行銷出慈濟願景,並深深成功撼動人心。


The development of polybasic society , the development of non-profit organizations in Taiwan gradually importance by the public , religious non-profit organization - Tzu Chi Foundation was the first set up non-profit organization in Taiwan, likes in disaster relief , health care , education and the humanities , for regard to social advancement contribution was very important influence. The study was by literature review and the set of data correlation, the non-profit organizations made an initial marketing strategy defined and discussed, and the marketing is used one of the tool to achieve the purpose of the strategy is the organization's mission. The purpose of this study was to investigate the marketing strategy of non-profit organizations , the based on non-profit organization of religion type - Tzu Chi for the study, and Tzu Chi four missions ( charities , health, education , humanities ) to study the scope and explore its success in attracting service recipient and the donor of the trust and support of the reasons , by viewing CORPS five basic elements , which of missions successful popular marketing strategy , it could learn and reference as other non-profit organizations. Using CORPS analysis, a professional non-profit organizations is built from a strong decision core, a team of participants, professional operations and specialized services. Proceed to verify and analyze the data post obtained, this study also found that Tzu Chi successful through people’s hearts to the charm of the decision core leader , success factors other CORPS model : 1 . Multiculturalism service an objects ; 2. Hierarchical organizational structure and mode of operation ; 3. Abundant resources and financial autonomy use ; 4. Hugeness efficient volunteer group ; 5. Diversified services. Combined five points above the important factors can be observed, under the Tzu Chi mission and philosophy to help all society of people ,for example: from postnatal education , medical illness , and charitable assistance in case of disaster , the community after the old care, die of chanting, the four missions , and mahayana of the eight successful marketing Tzu Chi vision and deeply thrilling success .


