  • 學位論文


Design of Wide Stopband Microstrip Bandpass Filters with Two Path Structure

指導教授 : 湯敬文


本篇論文主要是研究利用雙路徑結構,並將此方法應用在寬截止頻帶帶通濾波器的設計。本論文是利用平行耦合線電路來實現寬頻的架構,而且結合開路殘段與傳輸線的電路來達成寬截止頻帶的效果。至於在電路分析上,則可使用J反轉子的等效電路分析法。 本論文分為兩部分,第一部分提出雙路徑的傳輸線並結合在濾波器的設計中。由於在現有文獻中所提供的雙路徑方法僅能產生一個傳輸零點,在本研究中則是設計傳輸線的操作頻率,來產生二個傳輸零點以達到寬抑制頻帶的效果。在實作上將透過電磁模擬軟體並實現在PCB上。 第二部分則是改變雙路徑傳輸線架構成為雙路徑耦合線,並結合成三線耦合線的方式來實現。由於耦合線的本身的傳輸零點可以實現更寬頻帶的止帶,而且可以抑制耦合線所產生的寬頻諧波,因此設計將雙路徑耦合線搭配帶通濾波器來加以實現。其經由電磁模擬與量測的比較結果,可以得到良好的一致性。 上述電路均使用全波電磁模擬軟體IE3D進行模擬工作,並實際製作電路進行量測。最後經由電磁模擬與量測比較結果確實可以得到良好的一致性。 關鍵詞–雙路徑傳輸線、雙路徑耦合線、寬頻止帶、帶通濾波器、傳輸零點、諧波抑制。


This study is the design of wide-band bandpass filters with dual-path structure. By using the parallel coupled lines, the bandpass filters with a wide passband have been realized. Moreover, the combination of open stubs and transmission lines, the bandpass filters with a wide stopband can be achieved. In addition, all proposed filters are analyzed with J inverters method. In the first part, the two-path transmission line is provided for the design of bandpass filter. Different with the conventional two-path method which can generate only one transmission zero, the proposed method can generate two transmission zeros, and then a wide stopband will be obtained. In the second part, the two-path transmission line is replaced with the two-path coupled line, and then cascaded with three coupled lines. Because of the multiple transmission zeros can generate by the couple line, the harmonics can be suppressed and a wider bandstop will come out. All above mentioned circuits are simulated by using full-wave electromagnetic simulator IE3D, and the prototype of these circuits are fabricated and measured. The well-match results between electromagnetic simulation and measured data can evidence the availability of all proposed circuits. Keywords – Two-path coupled line, two-path transmission line, wide stopband, bandpass filter, transmission zero, harmonic suppression.


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