  • 學位論文


Taiwanese English Language Teachers' Attitudes Toward English Accents: A Pluralistic View of English

指導教授 : 陳玉美


英語已是全球溝通的共同語言,並且遍及Kachru (1985)所提出的三個同心圓英語圈。傳統英語觀獨尊內圍圈的英語為典範,外圍圈和外擴圈亦視這典範為圭臬,然而因為英語全球普遍化而逐漸挑戰這傳統單一的英語觀。多元英語觀則視英語為在這三個同心圓英語圈的共同溝通語言,隨著多元英語觀的興起,外擴圈的英語教育者如何看待因為英語遍佈全球所產生的多元腔調,以及這些老師如何為學生選擇合適的英語腔調以因應這新潮流,是值得探討的議題。本研究從多元英語觀的層面探討台灣英語老師對不同英語腔調的態度。 為了瞭解英語老師對腔調的態度,82位台灣英語老師參與了線上問卷的作答,問卷中包含聆聽語音檔作答;其中20位老師也接受後續的訪談,以了解他們所選答案背後的意涵。為瞭解英語老師在為學生選擇英語腔調的偏好,問卷中的語音檔包含六種不同的英語腔調,是根據Kachru (1985)的三個同心圓英語圈架構而設計:內圍圈是美式和英式腔調,外圍圈是印度和馬來西亞腔調,外擴圈則是台灣和泰國腔調為代表。 研究結果顯示這些台灣英語老師了解英語已多元發展的現狀,因此他們同意各種不同英語腔調應納入教材中以認識更多英語腔調。關於腔調的接觸,他們對於英語為母語腔調和非英語為母語腔調的態度都是正面,只是對於非英語為母語腔調的態度,不似對英語為母語腔調那樣熱衷。在為學生選擇英語腔調典範方面,他們認為美式、英式、台灣腔調是最合適的學習典範,雖然對台灣腔調的喜好程度不如對英美腔調那般。就為學生選擇英語腔調典範的結果而言,台灣英語老師仍然受到傳統英語典範的影響,認為英美腔調最正統。但他們也意識到認識不同英語腔調已是全球趨勢,而且也願意讓學生做這樣的接觸。關於台灣腔調也被認為是合適的學習典範之一,或許意味著這些英語老師已認同自己是合格的講台灣腔調的英語老師。既然台灣英語老師已接受多元英語觀概念,本研究建議在教師研習中納入這樣的英語觀,以鞏固英語為國際語的教學觀,並將這概念帶進英語課室。此外,期盼教材作者與課程設計者能發展英語為國際語的教材,並將各種英語腔調融入教材中作為教室中多元腔調的練習。


English has become an international language for communication and spread across the world in terms of three concentric circles as Kachru (1985) proposed. This global spread of English has raised an issue that is challenging the traditional and monolithic view of English; that is, those from the Inner Circle are perceived as the norms of the English language, and those from the Outer- and Expanding- Circles are expected to adhere to the English norms. With the rise of the pluralistic view of English used for communication among the three concentric circles, how English educators of the Expanding Circle view English spoken with various accents, and how they react to this new trend in relation to the selection of an appropriate accent input in classroom practice, are worth investigation. Thus, the present study aimed to understand English language teachers’ attitudes toward various English accents from the pluralistic viewpoint. Data of the study were collected from a web-based questionnaire embedded with a listening task, and follow-up interviews. Eighty-two teachers from different educational levels were elicited to answer the questionnaire and complete the listening task. Twenty of them were then interviewed. For the listening task, six varieties of English were selected to explore participants’ accent preferences as students’ models based on Kachru’s (1985) three concentric circles of English use: American and British English in the Inner Circle, Indian and Malaysian English in the Outer Circle, and Taiwanese and Thai English in the Expanding Circle. Results of this study revealed that the participating teachers mostly understood the status quo of English pluralistic entity, and were in favor of incorporating various English accents into teaching materials as a repertoire expansion of English accents. With respect to exposure to varieties of accents, they embraced both of native English and non-native English. However, their attitudes toward non-native English were less enthusiastic than toward native English. Pertaining to selection of an appropriate learning model for students, they selected American, British, and Taiwanese accents, though the Taiwanese accent was less favored than the former two varieties. These findings indicate that, as selection of learning models, Taiwanese teachers of English are still norm-bound and view American and British accents as the standard norms. However, they have already been made aware that having students exposed to various varieties of accents is a global trend and are therefore willing to accept it. In addition, the preference of the Taiwanese accent implies that these Taiwanese teachers identify their own accent as an eligible English model. Now that these teachers have accepted the pluralistic perspective of English, this study suggests that teacher workshops should consolidate such perspective with the teaching approach of EIL to help English language teachers move it forward into their classrooms. Textbook writers and curriculum designers are expected to develop EIL teaching materials by incorporating various English accents for classroom practice.


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