  • 學位論文


Research on the Problems of Informing and Evaluating Processes of the Immigration and the Transferring in the Foreign Blue-collar Workers---Examples of Taichung, Changhua and Nantou Areas

指導教授 : 馬財專


摘 要 臺灣自1989年10月起,開放引進外籍勞工以暫時協助產業及家庭解決勞力不足之問題。截至勞動部統計2014年04月底止,外籍勞工在臺人數已有50萬2,966人。本研究以藍領外籍勞工入國及接續通報審查作業問題為基準,瞭解該現況作業審理程序及影響因素,並著重於「受訪者資料分析 通報核備文件「入國通報單」、「接續聘僱通報單」、「外國人生活照顧服務計畫書」、「外國人入國工作費用及工資切結書」之表單規定填表項目為主。希冀透過實際審查作業情形,分析各縣市之(一)審查標準;(二)認定資料之真實性;(三)書審資料之經驗可能影響資料真實性之情況;(四)針對規定之內容看法及建議等四部份,作為蒐集縣市政府執行審查業務之差異及外籍勞工入國後管理爭議上之分析。 研究區域範圍以臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣三個縣市做為資料蒐集的範疇,透過立意抽樣方式深度訪談15位相關執行業務人員。本研究發現藍領外籍勞工入國及接續通報審查作業現況為:各縣市審查作業標準各有所異加上案量多人力有限,書審中較難辦認出資料真實性,需透過「外國人生活照顧服務計畫書」訪視,才會發現通報不實導致違法之情事;系統設置管理發現縣市地方主管機關皆有獨立資訊系統,致使在整合資料樣式及提供資訊不同上是需耗費較多時間,以至於無法有效交流掌握外籍勞工現況動態;查察人員執行通報之認知性及其相關影響因素之考察發現,實務上常見違反通報之不實或導致違法現況樣態情形,其原因多歸咎於雇主對法令不甚瞭解又聽信且依賴仲介給的資訊。另政府部門查察人員多屬約聘人員,在有限教育訓練經費下恐會影響人員執行能力。   最後,基於研究發現分別對中央主管機關、地方主管機關、以及藍領外籍勞工入國通報審查作業相關人員提出建議。希冀提供未來中央與縣市地方主管機關對外籍勞工入國後之管理業務參考方向,促使通報管理審查作業執行更臻於落實與完善。


Abstract Starting October, 1989, Taiwan brings in foreign workers to temporarily ease the labor requirement to the industry and the family. According to the Ministry of Labor, there are 502,966 foreign workers in Taiwan by the end of April, 2014. To study the problems of the informing and evaluating processes of the immigration and transferring of the foreign blue workers, the research examined the current evaluating procedures and the affecting factors focusing on the information obtained from the analysis of the respondents and that from the required items on tables of Immigration Briefing, The Procession of Foreign Workers’ Transferring, Foreigner Life Care Plan, and Foreign Worker’s Affidavit for Wage / Salary and Expenses Incurred before Entering the Republic of China for Employment. Base d on the collected information, the following factors of each chosen city and county was examined: 1. Evaluation standard; 2. Verification of the filled information; 3. Effect of the evaluating experience on the truth of the information, and 4. Comments and suggestions to the required contents. The results served for analyzing the difference in the evaluating process and the controversy in the management of the immigrated foreign workers among the city and county governments. The study area included Taichung City, Changhua County and Nantou County. Using purposive sampling method, 15 of the operational staff were carefully interviewed. The results showed the current situations of informing and evaluating processes of the immigration and transferring of the foreign blue collar workers as followed: The existence of a difference in the evaluation standard among city and county governments is significant and the verification of the truth of the submitted information is difficult and is worsened by the fact that there are too many cases handled by very limited manpower, and it can only be done through the site visiting based on information from the Foreigner Life Care Plan to uncover the false reporting, equating an illegal crime; the information system of each city or county is independent and consumes time and effort when transferring information among cities and counties, resulting in less efficient in dynamically manipulating the instant movements of foreign workers; regarding the survey on the recognition of the operational staff and the related affecting factors, the results revealed that false informing are commonly seen in the practical operations, also, the illegal cases are usually attributed to the employers’ misunderstanding the regulations or relying too much on the information provided by the intermediaries. In addition, most governmental operational staff are contracted employees and the limited training funding weakens their performances. According to the results of the research, there are suggestions for the central authorities, the local authorities and related operational staff to the immigration of the foreign blue color workers. It is hoped that the suggested improve and promote the management of the informing and the execution of the evaluating processes of the immigrated foreign blue collar workers.


Gibson-Graham, J. K.(1996). The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It). Oxford:Blackwell.
