  • 學位論文


The Impacts of the Working Capital Loan Project to Tea Industry on the Bank's Performance - XX Bank's of Chushan Branch for Example

指導教授 : 周登陽


摘要 於近年來臺灣高山茶及相關產業迅速發展,由於銀行業者配合提供資金運用,帶動地方茶產業蓬勃成長。本研究以 XX 銀行竹山分行對南投縣茶產業三大鄉鎮,竹山鎮、鹿谷鄉、名間鄉 120位授信戶,透過問卷、訪談調查並以SPSS統計分析,探討 XX 銀行對茶產業交易週轉金方面的改變,並對銀行績效之影響。 研究結果顯示,訪談對象中56(80%)人以個人名義向銀行借貸,行號及公司名義借貸分別為9(12.9%)及5(7.1%)人。向銀行借貸提供擔保品以不動產46(65.7%)人為主,其次分別為交易票據和信保基金分別為18(25.7%)和11(15.7%)人。申貸後資金運用以做為周轉金及購買廠房為主分別為45(64.3%)及17(24.3%)人。調查次年週轉金借貸情形,發現此三鄉鎮業者趨於保守,達62(88.6%)人借貸週轉維持不變。另主要用於週轉金51(72.9%)人,購買廠房或建屋15(21.4%)人。 XX 銀行竹山分行在南投縣茶產業三大鄉鎮推廣週轉金額度放款專案,對銀行淨放款、中小企業放款、放款手續費收入、總存款、活期性存款、保險手續費收入等業績皆為正向成長。期望本項週轉金額度放款專案能擴展至其它茶區。


SPSS統計分析 週轉金


Abstract With the rapid development of Taiwan high mountain tea and the related industries in recent years, the local tea industry grows prosperously due to the cooperation of bank providing fund. Through the interviews with the questionnaires of the 120 credit accounts of Zhushan Town, Mingjianxiang Township, and Luku Township in Nantou County by using SPSS software to analyze the result, the thesis is to study the transaction changes in the trade of working capital, and the impact to the bank's performance of the XX Bank at tea industry. According to the result, among the interviewees, the bank lending to individual are 56(80%) persons, lending to stores and companies are 9 (12.9%) and 5(7.1%) separately. The real estate, the main collateral of loan, are at 46(65.7%) persons; the others, such as, transaction cheques and credit guarantee funds are 18 (25.7%) and 11(15.7%) persons respectively. Most of the working capital loan is applied for company’s working capital, which is 45(64.3%) persons, or buying factory, which are 17(24.3%) persons. However, according to the successive year, the three townships conservatively appears 62(88.6%) persons keep the same loan, where 51(72.9%) persons are using as the company’s working capital and 15 (21.4%) persons are buying factory or build house. The XX Bank's of Chushan branch on the extension line of working capital loan project in the three main townships of tea industry at Nantou County, the performance including bank net loan, small and medium size enterprise lending, revenue of the lending charge, total bank deposit, current deposit, revenue of charge for insurance, all present positive. We hope we can bring the model of the working capital loan project for tea industry to other countries.


SPSS Working capital loan Tea


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