  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃劭彥


本主題最主要:分析目前最熱門的大陸養老產業需求探討-以溫州龍灣老人為例。最主要研究以大陸三線城市溫州為研究對象,釐清三線城市老人需求及一線城市區別。 以老年人現況分析;分為老人需求及投資方供給。其中老人需求分為四部分:一、就個人學經歷及經濟條件和生活水平。二、以養老服務;健康狀態及服務需求之不同。三、醫療需求:就醫及保險。四、多元照護:老人健康促進活動設計及旅遊等四方面去探討。機構投資供給:分為社區、機構、及配套政策。 本論文以溫州龍灣老人養老需求為主題。透過田野調查及問卷透過民政局、街道、各村里幹事,協助及已投入機構及社區養老業者現場訪談;尋求學習及經濟理論。在養老產業鏈中,何種最符合中國大陸尤其三線城市;目前需求與供給能達到的最大係數,也是最具經濟規模的可行分析。 結論:二、三線城市需要人力物力相差甚大。尤以財力相差甚遠。 老年人需要是家中居家醫療、行動醫療及臥床的護理機構專業照顧。有關產業業者應多一些投入及宏愛。政府更應多一些務實政策及加強社會服務及補其不足,讓老有所依,老有所終,大陸二億老人實際有其所養,頤養天年,得到最佳照護及產業平台。


The most popular topic today is “Global Aging”, especially in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau that has the same color of skin, and the same ancestor. Despite the history has evaluated many times, some things just are unalterable. Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang is the third-tier city in China. In the past when people talk about real estate speculation, they will connect it with this city. It’s also well known for its’ industries where greenery are less, it is a basin and full of hills. However, the population of the elders are about 9 million. Despite the city isn’t far from Shanghai, the high technical nursing home aren’t popular. Therefore, hoping to base on Taiwan experience; combine Chinas’ 十二五plan of industry with Taiwans’ to give back elders in Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang a suitable environment of nurse home. Hope we take the case of “The needs of the elders who live in Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang” to seek a way that interest the investors to build a high technical nursing home in Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang to fulfill the shortcomings. Furthermore, we hope the government notice the needs from the elders in this century that nursing homes are becoming more popular, and come up with a plan to make the investors comport of investing the industries for elders. Organization Interview and Field investigation: The person in charge of the organization will be interviewed. Targets will be aimed at the high technical and normal elders who live in the nursing home.


6. 周台龍、鄭文輝(2008),台灣多層次長期照顧財務保障架構之探討、台灣社會福利學刊, 2008年8月第七卷第一期,70-80頁
7. 陳建和、蔡宜思、許承先、方文熙(2007),台灣發展都市型長宿休閒之初探,旅遊健康學刊,Vol.6, No.1 27~35頁
26. 陳政雄(2008),老人住宅整體規劃理念,台灣老年醫學雜誌,2006
29. 葉淑惠、吳淑如(1998),社區殘疾老人照護之挑戰,護理雜誌,第45卷第6期,36-43頁
31. 吳淑瓊(2003),從「建構長期照護體系先導計畫」之執行看我國社
