  • 學位論文

大型運動賽事對高雄國際形象影響之研究 -以高雄世界運動會為例

A Study of for Sports Mega-Events in Kaohsiung ─ Case of The World Games Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 林泰和


「一次台灣的機會・改變世界會實現」,第八屆世界運動會隆重圓滿地舉辦完成,並且獲得國際世界運動會總會(IWGA)的高度讚賞,已讓高雄市開創歷史新頁。本文藉由蒐集經濟資料與問卷調查,分析運動賽事對臺灣整體經濟體的影響,且根據當地居民及外來旅客看法瞭解舉辦城市整體形象的改變。 因此本研究首先整理過去文獻對運動賽事影響之分析,藉由2009年高雄世界運動會(以下簡稱2009世運會)的個案,探討2009世運會是否帶動高雄的城市發展與都市行銷,進而分析賽後所產生有形與無形效益,其後,並分析問卷結果了解民眾看法,綜觀此次高雄世界運動會所帶來的影響,實證分析包括:(1)以實際經濟成長的數據,分析世運會的投入成本所帶來的經濟效益;(2)觀察高雄國際旅館住宿和房價變化,瞭解舉辦城市高雄市在賽事期間的經濟發展變化;(3)隨機問卷調查,針對舉辦區域當地居民、鄰近區域居民、非舉辦區域居民以及國外參與世運會旅客深入訪談其看法與城市形象的改變。總結本研究嘗試以整體社會福利的角度分析運動賽事的影響,作為日後申辦國際大型賽事之參考依據。


A Chance to Lead A Change!The World Games 2009 was conducted perfectly, And highly appreciated by International World Games Association (IWGA), which let the Kaohsiung City set a landmark of it’s own history. The thesis intends to examine the effect of sport events to the economy of Taiwan by the collection of economic data and survey, and via the way of looking of local residents and foreign tourists to know the transformation of city image. Therefore, my thesis reorganized the past study about what and how the sport events impactd. By the case of The World Games 2009, to see how strong Kaohsiung been effected on the development and promotion of the city, then analysis all the visible and un-visible benefit accompanied by it. After that, I will analyze the result of survey to know the intention of people to conclude what the Game affected. The topic I focused on were: (1) To analysis the cost-performance of the expense on the Games by the data of economic growth before and after the event. (2) To know the development on economic growth of Kaohsiung during the Games by the occupancy rate and price of hotel. (3) Referring to the residents of Kaohsiung, residents around Kaohsiung, residentsof other place and foreign tourists, by random survey or oral interviewto know their viewpoint on the event and changing of the city. Conclusion My thesis is trying to analyze the influence about the Games by the point of view about social welfare, and make it as a reference while bidding mega events.


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