  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 高文琦


「自然狀態」為十七世紀歐洲社會契約論者所廣泛使用之名詞,其係用以指稱人民在進入國家狀態以前所處之前政治狀態。學界一般普遍認為第一位提出對於「自然狀態」之完整論述學者為十七世紀之學者霍布斯。在霍布斯以前,是否曾有學者提出類似自然狀態之原型思想?其與霍布斯的關聯性為何?霍布斯的自然狀態思想究竟是如何影響了整個十七的自然狀態思想之發展脈絡?又十七世紀的自然狀態思想對於當代法律哲學與政治哲學產生何種影響?這些都是本文所欲加以探討之課題。 是故,本文將從歐洲上古哲學思想開始探尋自然狀態之起源,將一路沿著古希臘哲學、古羅馬哲學、中世紀基督教神學探索至十七世紀之學者格勞秀斯、霍布斯、斯賓諾莎、普芬道夫、洛克,再由之探索至十八世紀之學者盧梭,最後再研究當代學者羅爾斯、諾齊克之自然狀態思想,以求對於十七世紀自然狀態思想之始源與發展脈絡有一完整之理解。 另外,若從自然狀態思想之內涵來看,其中大抵不脫離自然法、自然權利、自然義務、社會契約與國家的成立以及抵抗權等課題,本文在探索上述這些學者之自然狀態思想時,將分別循著這些面向加以探索與解析每位學者對於自然狀態之完整思想內涵,以求對於自然狀態思想之全貌有一完整之理解。


“Natural State” is a noun which is general used in the 17th century Europe, and it is used for talking about the situation of people before coming into the country. It is gen-erally said that Thomas Hobbes is the first scholar who discoursed on “Natural State” systematically. Before Hobbes, had any scholar mentioned about the original thinking of “Natural State”? And how about its connection with Hobbes “Natural State”? How did Hobbes’ “Natural State” influence the whole “Natural State” in the 17th century Europe? And how did the 17th centry Europe's “Natural State” influence the legal philosophy and the political philosophy? These are the subjects I want to solve in the thesis. Hence, in the thesis I would trace back to the Elder Age of Europe for figuring out the source of “Natural State.” That is to say, I would study the philosophy of ancient Greece and of ancient Rome, then the theology of the Middle Age of Europe. After I had studied these topic, I would study the following scholars to figure out the “Natural State” in 17th and 18th centuries Europe: Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch de Spinoza, Samuel von Pufendorf, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Finally, I would study two scholars of the 20th century: John Rawls and Robert Nozick, to study how the “Natural State” influenced their political philosophy. After I had done these studies, I hope it will be a better grasp of the understanding of “Natural State.” On the other hand, if we dig into the intension of “Natural State,” we would find out it could not spearate from the issues below: natural law, natural right, natural duty, social contract, and the right of resistance. So I would focus on these issues when I do re-search on these scholar's “Natural State,” so that perhaps we can have a comprehensive understanding of “Natural State.”


1. 張東文,霍布斯政治思想研究:由個體自由轉向集體宰制,輔仁大學哲學研究所碩士,1999年6月。
2. 黃瑞如,從契約論角度論人民不服從,國立台北大學法律學研究所碩士論文,102年7月。
5. HUGO GROTIUS, THE RIGHTS OF WAR AND PEACE (A. C. Campbell trans, M. Walter Dunne, 1901)(1625).
6. JOHN RAWLS, A THEORY OF JUSTICE (Harvard University, 1971).
