  • 學位論文


Integrating Picture Books into Instruction to Assist First Graders in Their Adjustment in Elementary School

指導教授 : 洪志成


繪本教學應用於小一學童學校生活適應之相關研究,較少同時探討適應的各個向度。本研究旨在運用繪本故事發展「學習適應」、「常規適應」和「人際適應」等三個向度的學校生活適應教學活動,並分析實施的歷程與了解學生在三個向度的表現情形。研究方法採行動研究法,依據選擇的繪本,設計八個教學方案,以研究者任教的一年級班級學生29人為對象,進行為期八週的繪本教學。並輔以觀察、文件分析、省思札記、家長調查表與學生自評表等方式蒐集資料。根據八次繪本教學活動實施的歷程與省思,以及教學過程中所發現學生在學校生活適應上的改變情形,歸結出以下結論: 壹、學校生活適應繪本教學有四個具階段性的歷程 一、以趣味性活動引起動機。 二、運用多媒體進行繪本欣賞並輔以獎勵措施引導學生參與討論。 三、安排體驗活動讓學生將繪本所學到的概念運用於日常生活中。 四、以學習單進行教學單元的統整與回顧。 貳、實施繪本教學有助於改善小一新生的學校生活適應但在常規適應向度上仍需持續學習 一、實施繪本教學有助於改善小一新生的學習適應:學生對上學的感受由不安轉變為自在、由開學初的抗拒與被動等待援助到漸以正向的態度面對學習困難,由缺乏條理到能依序完成學習任務並獨立解決問題。 二、實施繪本教學有助於改善小一新生的常規適應但仍須持續學習:學生表現出由缺乏生活規範概念到更能注重整潔及禮貌與安全,在上課常規的認知上有進步但尚待內化。 三、在人際適應上能與同儕建立及維持友誼並與教師建立良好的師生關係:學生彼此的人際互動是由生疏到融入團體並以正向方法與同儕建立關係、能以互助及關心的方式維繫友誼並尊重彼此差異;學生知覺到的老師形象是嚴師也是慈母且樂於當老師的小幫手。 最後,根據研究結論與發現,對教師及後續相關研究者提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to apply picture books about "learning adjustment", "regular adjustment" and " interpersonal adjustment" to develop teaching activity of school life adjustment. Action research method was adopted. Eight teaching projects were designed based on the selected picture books and the projects were implemented in eight weeks. Twenty nine first graders in researcher's class participated in the teaching projects. Data were collected by observation, document analysis, reflective journal, investigation form of parents and self-evaluation form of students. According to this study, the conclusions were summarized as follows: Firstly, the processes of the implementation of picture books teaching of school life adjustment were summed up as four main points: (a) motivated by interesting activities; (b)using multimedia to appreciate picture books and apply incentives to guide students to participate in the discussion; (c) arrange experiential activities to let students make use of the concept which learned from the picture books to daily life; and (d) using learning sheet to integrate and review the instructional unit. Secondly, the change of the students in the process of implementation picture books teaching include; (a) the implementation of picture books teaching improve learning adjustment of the first graders; (b) the implementation of picture books teaching improve regular adjustment of the first graders but the students still need to continue to learn; (c) the students can establish and maintain good relations with peers and teacher in interpersonal adjustment dimension. Based on the results and findings of this study, some suggestions were proposed to teachers and researchers as reference.


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