  • 學位論文


Analysis of College EFL Students' Written Revisions to Peer and Teacher's Written Feedback in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉德烜


本研究旨在探討英文寫作課程中,教師回饋和同儕回饋對於台灣外文系大學生的寫作修改分析,以及幫助學生提升寫作內容的品質和程度。本研究試圖更進一步分析不同程度學生寫作修改的差異。 參與本研究的教師是一位外國籍,於國立大學任教寫作課程的教師,以及24位大學生(六位男學生,十八位女學生)。分析的資料為此24位學生總共86篇的英文寫作,蒐集時間從民國99年9月到100年1月。資料內容包括了42篇以教師書面回饋為主要修改機制的英文寫作文章,還有44篇以同儕回饋為主要修改機制的英文寫作內容。此外,與此任課教師的訪談內容以錄音,並轉成逐字稿供後續資料分析。資料分析是利用Faigley 和Witte (1981) 的修改分類模式,針對不同的回饋區分學生的寫作修改內容。 研究結果發現學生針對教師書面回饋有相對較多的寫作修改;而針對同儕回饋則較少的寫作修改。大致而言,學生對於回饋所回應的修改並非以文法修改為主,相對的,針對文章內容的修改占大多數。也就是說,教師書面回饋和同儕回饋幫助學生在寫作過程中有更多的內容修改。此結果的原因是因為教師回饋單和同儕回饋單的設計內容所不同而導致。至於寫作品質提升方面,高程度的學生表現比中程度和低程度的學習者來得要好,但普遍來說,此兩種寫作回饋都能提升學生的寫作品質。 本研究認為寫作回饋在寫作教室中扮演了重要的角色。根據不同的情境,寫作回饋會有不同的型態和功能。善用教師寫作回饋以及同儕回饋將有助於學生於寫作上有更完善的修改並進而提升寫作品質。


Both teacher feedback and peer feedback play important roles in writing development, so a qualitative analysis of students' revisions toward teacher feedback and peer feedback is an issue worth investigation. The present study aims to investigate Taiwanese college students' revision changes and the overall writing quality between first drafts and final drafts in response to teacher written feedback and peer feedback during the revision process. Besides, the different performances of revision changes and writing quality made by EFL high-level writers,intermediate-level writers and low-level writers are examined and compared as well. Two multi-draft English writing courses of 24 EFL university students ( six male students and 18 female students) in Taipei City participated in this study from Sep. 2010 through Jan. 2011. EFL writers' revision changes among total 86 drafts with teacher written comments and peer feedback are analyzed based on Faigley and Witte's (1981) taxonomy model. Furthermore, writers' quality of revisions made between first and second drafts are evaluated according to Essay Scoring Rubric. Although the qualitative data show that high-level writers revise in ways different from low-level writers, the majority of revision changes that EFL students made are meaning-level revisions. That result was caused due to the different instruction design of the teacher’s written feedback sheet and peer feedback sheet. In terms of writing quality, high-level writers perform better than intermediate-level writers and low-level writers. The finding also showed that writing multiple drafts result in overall essay improvement among all levels' of students. Finally, this study suggests several important implications for EFL writing instruction and future studies.


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