  • 學位論文

99-102 學年度<全國多元文化教育優良教案> 之內容分析-多元文化主義取向與議題的變遷

The Content Analysis of Multicultural Issue Changed in “National Multicultural Education Lesson Program” During Year 2008-2011.

指導教授 : 王雅玄


臺灣政府對於多元文化教育持重視的態度,目前依據(教育部,2009)「教育部補助執行外籍及大陸配偶子女教育輔導計畫作業原則」,教育部必須協助各縣市舉辦全國性多元文化教育優良教案甄選比賽,目的在於鼓勵教師發展多元文化教育課程,增進學童對於多元文化的理解。本研究將以99-102 學年度的得獎作品教案,共47 件來作為分析依據,以Banks所分類的多元文化群體歸屬,以及incheloe, J.L.& Steinberg S.R.兩位學者的多元文化主義,來作為理論基礎。使用內容分析法的方式,探究教案中所關注的議題、採取何種取向來敘述,提供具體 的建議來改善其缺失。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、在多元文化議題量化分析方面,主要有以下五點發現 (一)教案中最常關注的議題為種族/族群,佔所有教案中的87.2%,其次為國家、性別、宗教、社會階級,最少提及的議題則為特殊性/非特殊性 (二)種族/族群議題中,弱勢族群出現次數多於優勢族群,當中出現最多的族群為新住民,佔種族/族群議題中的91.5% (三)性別議題中,提及女性論述佔教案總數的59.6%,多於男性的12.8% (四)國家議題中,提及開發中國家的次數多於已開發國家 (五)社會階級議題中,多出現中下階級的論述 二、在多元文化議題質性分析方面,主要有以下四點發現 (一)對於弱勢族群的正面敘述多為肯定多元民俗風情;負面敘述為再現所受到偏見的現況;中立敘述為介紹族群的歷史文化特色。優勢族群的中立敘述為介紹歷史背景以及習俗。種族/族群平等則為中立敘說各族群發展歷史 (二)對於弱勢性別,正面敘述多為肯定他們增添臺灣多元民俗風情;負面敘述為陳述弱勢性別所受到歧視的現況;中立敘述則為詢問學生是否關心自己的媽媽、外婆。優勢性別皆為負面陳述為社經地位差、失敗的父親角色。性別平權敘述則為詢問學生是否了解父母、家人的故事 (三)質性分析部分,已開發國家皆為中立敘述其國家之文化特色以及民主、人權思想,如民主、人權。開發中國家多為中立敘述該國的文化特色;少部分出現負面為陳述社會大眾認為的偏見,如髒亂、貧窮、落後等等,且沒有介紹思想。國家平權則中立敘述不同國家與臺灣的差異,以及對臺灣的影響 (四)質性分析部分,弱勢階級的負面字眼多為述說社經地位較低的家長對於孩子疏於管教;中立敘述則多為關心外籍勞工,以及在臺的現況。階級平權為中立敘說對待不同階級應該要有同理心 三、在多元文化主義取向方面主要有以下七點發現 (一)種族/族群議題的取向分析,「保守的」取向為探討如何讓弱勢族群適應主流文化;「自由的」為敘說人皆生而平等,卻忽略了種族間的差異;「多元的」介紹各種族/族群文化特色;「左派本質的」為弱勢族群發聲;「批判的」取向反映文化傳承的重要性,以及思考如何化解各族群間的紛爭 (二)教案敘述性別議題時較常出現的多元文化主義取向,多為「左派本質的」敘述新住民媽媽所受到的壓迫,並為弱勢性別發聲 (三)當教案敘述有關國家議題時,多使用「多元的」多元文化主義取向,讓學生能體驗不同國家的風貌 (四)教案在階級議題上,反映「批判的」多元文化主義取向,關注弱勢階級以及其形成的原因 (五)介紹宗教部分,反映「多元的」多元文化取向,展現各宗教的差異 (六)在國小階段的教案出現「多元的」內容,多於國中階段 (七)在國中階段的教案出現「批判的」內容,多於國小階段 最後,依據研究結果將提出研究建議,以期提供給未來教案編輯者、教師教學與後續研究參考。


The attitude of Taiwan Government towards multicultural education is positive.Currently according togovernmental policy, Ministry of Educationhas to help each local government to hold National multicultural lesson programs competition. The purpose is order to encourage teachers to develop multicultural educational courses which make students more understand about multiculture. This research depended on the forty-seven award-winning lesson programs from 2010 to 2013 and also based on Banks’ theory and two scholars, Kincheloe, J. L.& Steinberg S. R., their multiculturalism. With content analysis, explore the issues in lesson programs;adopt which orientations to describe and provide concrete propose to improve the drawbacks. The primary discoveries of this research as follows: 1. For thequantitative techniques of multicultural education side, there are five discoveries: (1) The most common issue inmulticultural lesson programs is race and ethic group which account for 87.2 %, the following is nation, gender , religion ,and the social class, and the least is distinction. (2) In the ethnic group, the frequency of occurrence of the underprivileged is more than the privileged. The most commonmentioned group isimmigrant resident which accounts for 91.5 percent of the ethnic groupdiscussion. (3) In the gender, the discussion of female accounts for 59.6percent of the lesson programs,however, the discussion of male only accounts for 12.8percent. (4) In the nation, the frequency of occurrence ofthe developing country is more than the developed country. (5) In the social class, the mention of lower middle class is more than the other class. 2. For thequalitative techniques of multicultural education side, there are four discoveries: (1) For the underprivileged, the positive statementsareto supportthe folk custom,the negative statementsare prejudice, and the neutral statements are to introduce the historical culture. For the privileged, theneutral statements are to introduce the historical custom. (2) For thedisadvantaged gender, the positive statements are tosupport the multiple cultures, thenegative statement isprejudice, and the neutral statements areto ask the students whether they care about their mother and grandmother. For advantaged gender, the statementsare all negative about fathers who have badsocioeconomic status. For the gender equality, this is about the students whether they understand their family. (3) For thequalitative techniques:Developedcountries have the neutralstatementsincluding mentioning the national culture, democracy and the human rights. Developing countries have more the neutral statements than the negativestatements; forthe neutral statements are to describe the culture, howeverthe negative statements are the prejudices, for example,poor and backward. National equality shows that the differences between other countries and Taiwan, and other countries’ influence on Taiwan. (4) For thequalitative techniques: the underprivileged class has more the negative statements about the parents who have bad socioeconomic status usually ignore their children. However the neutral statements are about the foreign labor and their situation in Taiwan .Class equal indicates that empathyis important to treat different class. 3. For themulticulturalism orientation side, there are sevendiscoveries: (1) The analysis of race and ethic group: Conservative orientation explores how to make the underprivileged class adapt to mainstream culture; Free orientation shows that “All men are created equal”, but that overlooks the difference between the races; Multiple orientation introduceseach race and group’s culture; Left orientation supports the underprivileged; Critical orientation reflects the importance of cultural inheritance, and think about how to bury the hatchet between each group. (2) Left orientationismore discussed in the gender issue in lesson programsmore than other orientations and it shows the oppression of new inhabitants. (3) Multiple orientation isoften used in the lesson program when the lesson programsdiscuss the national issues in order to make students experience the various cultures. (4) The class issue in thelesson programs reflects the critical orientation which concerns underprivileged class. (5) Multiple contents are more used in elementary school lesson programs than junior high school lesson programs. (6) Critical contents are more used in junior high school lesson programsthanelementary school lesson programs. Last, providing the suggestion which is based on the results, and hoping that the suggestion could be helpful to the program editor and the teachers.


