  • 學位論文


The Research of India Participation in Regional Economic Integration: Take India Signed FTA with ASEAN As An Example

指導教授 : 趙文志


全球化浪潮影響之下促進了區域貿易發展,各國之間更緊密的貿易往來, WTO的框架下出現許多自由貿易區,以及地區之間的貿易同盟。印度在近年綜合國力不斷提升,與中國、東南亞的關係發展也越來越密切。有鑑於近年區域化的浪潮下,各國紛紛啟動雙邊協定,東協 (Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN) 率先啟動區域內的貿易自由化。印度自1991年經濟改革後開始重視對外貿易,東進政策( Look East Policy )的實行到2004年,第三次「印度-東協高峰會」上簽署了「和平、進步與共同繁榮夥伴關係協定」,雙方打開了投資貿易、旅遊文化及體育交流,可以看出印度雖然地處南亞,但是透過外交政策突破地緣限制,利用經貿交流來提升國家的影響力。 近年來國家普遍透過簽訂PTA、FTA來達成經濟整合,不過國家簽訂FTA本身之經濟利益並不是主要的考量,通常FTA會伴隨政治意圖。印度與東協簽訂FTA時分別會考慮經濟因素、外交因素、戰略因素、國內政治經濟因素,綜合以上觀點能更完整的檢視印度與東協洽簽FTA的動機。本研究另外發現在印度─東協自由貿易協定( India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, IAFTA )形成後分別對中國、印度與東協區域內部、亞太經濟整合趨勢、台灣都會產生影響。


Globalization is improving regional trade development. Under the WTO framework, different countries could build up close relations and sign free trade agreements. India has improved the relations with China and South East Asia in recent years. Every country has lunched bilateral trade under the waves of regionalization. ASEAN was the first one to start trade liberalization in intra-region and India has started to focus on external trade and announced its “Look East” policy since its economic reform in 1991. Then two sides signed “The peace, progress and prosperity partnership agreements” on the third India-ASEAN Summit in the 2004. In addition, the two parties promote both side’s trade and investment, tourism, exchanging in cultural and sports. Even though India is in South Asia, it can break the geographic restrictions through its foreign policy and economic exchange to improve national influence. In recent years, every country has completed economic integration by signing PTA and FTA. The reasons of signing FTA with ASEAN are not only for the interest of economic but also come with diplomatic, strategic factor. After all, Time will prove everything. This research also survey the influence including Taiwan, China, internal region between India and ASEAN, Asian pacific economic integration after the India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement was shaped.


方天賜,「印度實施經濟改革以來的外交走向」,問題與研究,第40卷第4期(2001年7、8 月),頁81-96。
彭璧文、潘柳青,「俄羅斯在東(南)亞區域經濟整合中的角色、策略和 利益」,歐洲國際評論,第4 期(2008年7月),頁1-24。
