  • 學位論文


H.264 Representation for Real-Time Compression on the Application of Digital Learning

指導教授 : 游寶達


在數位學習課程教學中,大都以影片形式作為上課教學教材,例如翻轉教學,磨課師等。因此教師必須自行或透過教材製作團隊來錄製教學影片。然而在教學影片拍攝、後製、與影片轉檔往往需要花費大量時間,故在處理教學影片採用CUDA H.264/AVC編碼器進行即時編碼處理,讓教師或錄製團隊在錄完教學影片後可以不用等待太久影片轉檔時間,便能將影片資料處理成H.264/AVC格式。因H.264/AVC有三種幀幅,I幀幅,P幀幅和B幀幅會影響到影片處理的時間和影片檔案的大小,故教師或製作團隊可依教學影片的影片內容特性,先決定影片I幀幅週期,以達到即時轉檔處理。在此本論文中分別針對幾種常見教學方法中所使用的教學影片使用不同的I幀幅週期來處理,讓教師可根據評估結果選擇適合的I幀幅週期,讓教學影片有較小檔案以及較快處理速度。




Since many digital learning courses will use instructional video as teaching materials, such as, flipping learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Instructors have to record their instructional videos. For speeding up the processing time of recorded videos, a CUDA-based H.264/AVC encoder is adopted which can covert these raw data into a H.264-based video in real-time. Thus, instructors do not waste lot of time waiting the converting process after finishing instructional recording for instructors. Before converting, instructors should decide the periodical time of I-frame. Because a H.264/AVC-based video contains three types of frames, I-frame, P-frame and B-frame, different combination among three frames will affect the video size and it processing speed. The main purpose of this study is to choose some common teaching methods, produce some instructional videos and test them to find the suitable the periodical time of I-frame to covert the videos for different teaching methods. Finally, the instructors can follow the suggestion of the experimental results to choose a suitable periodical time of I-frame to convert the recorded instructional video with the better processing quality.




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