  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


「家庭暴力高危機個案網絡會議」於2009年在臺灣各直轄市、(縣)市全面執行,經由家庭暴力防治網絡單位包含社政、警政、衛政、教育、司法、民間協會與移民單位…等共同投入,經由個案危險因子辨識、評估,並進一步研提策略介入,期待降低致命危險的發生。 為探討本項會議在家庭暴力個案危險管理過程,瞭解與會成員動機與看法,發展家暴個案在會議中解除列管之指標及檢核本會議運作之成效。本研究擇定臺灣地區北、中、南、東等5個直轄市、縣(市)防治中心所召開之網絡會議,經由實地參與觀察各3次,深入訪談會議參與者28人,並以問卷進行調查,獲致以下結論: 一、落實執行家庭暴力高危機網絡會議可有效降低致命危險情況發生。 二、網絡會議運作能就個案資訊充分掌握,並且共享資源,提供工作者支持協力,增強工作者在家庭暴力防治工作之權能。 三、主席團評估模式可有效提升個案危險評估過程效率。 四、會議氣氛友善平等,互信協力,對於家庭暴力防治工作,網絡單位人員共識度提升。 五、會議工作者在危機辨識及流程掌握度與網絡會議運作成效極為相關。 六、會議合作共事模式應建立在對於網絡單位專業與立場之尊重,平等互惠共同投入於家暴防治工作中。 七、對於家庭暴力高危機個案危險評估應由加害人、被害人、兩人互動(動態危險因子)及外部因素等面向加以檢視,並可成為個案安全之預測因素。 八、以網絡單位參與情況、列管案量、會議時間、危險因子掌握、討論報告流程、資訊到位、資源整合、策略具體與執行、衝突協商及對於列管個案之相關分析等,據以檢核網絡會議運作情況。 根據以上結論,本研究提出:應就現行工作者遴選資優人員擔任「家暴高危機個案管理者」,專責家暴高危機個案服務、家暴加害人服務社工應予制度化設計、持續修法並鼓勵家暴處遇之裁定、會議關注層面應及於家庭暴力中之兒童少年及老年人。此外,中央主管單位應對婦幼保護高階主管加強本網絡會議之宣導教育、實務工作者應隨時強化「危機辦識」及「個案工作報告」能力、新進人員應接受初階訓練之後始參與網絡會議、為求會議目標一致並應定期召集專家學者研討、持續修定檢視本會議工作指導手冊及資訊平臺操作情況。地方各防治中心應定期檢核研討會議運作情況,並可參與觀摩其他會議運作,並且持續關注網絡會議工作者之身心狀況等建議。


High-risk victim network conference in domestic violence implements comprehensively in Taiwan in 2009 with the joint efforts of domestic violence prevention units, such as social welfare unit, police unit, health unit, education unit, justice unit, civil organizations and immigration unit. In the hope to lower fatal situations, risk factors are assessed and strategies are offered. This research aims to probe the role of the network conference in risk management in domestic violence, to understand the motivation and perspectives of members involved the conference and to develop indexes for dismissing discussed cases and to examine the efficiency of the network conference. The network conferences hosted by the prevention centers in five cities in Taiwan are chosen. Each conference has been observed three times, 28 members are interviewed and the investigation is conducted by questionnaire. The conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. The practice of high-risk victim network conference can effectively lower the happenings of fatal situations. 2. During the network conference, information about victims is handled well, resources are shared, and assistance is offered. All these contribute to the power and abilities of the one dealing with domestic violence. 3. The model of presidium can elevate the efficiency of risk assessment. 4. The atmosphere of friendliness, equality and mutual trust during the conference help to the elevation of morale among members. 5. The risk recognition ability and the fluency of the conference process are crucial to the effect of the network conference. 6. The model of cooperation should be built on the basis of mutual respect and equality. 7. The high-risk victim assessment should be examined by such factors as offenders, victims, interactions of both sides, and exterior reasons. Hope the assessment can become the prediction for victim safety. 8. The practice of the network conference can be examined by the participation of network units, the amount of discussed cases, conference time, the control of risk factors, the process fluency of the conference, the full control of information, the integration of resources, the practice of useable strategies, the reconciliation of conflicts and the analysis of discussed cases. On the basis of the conclusions mentioned above, the research has the following suggestions. Choose excellent members among current workers to manage high-risk cases in domestic violence. Have specialized unit manage the service of high-risk victims. The social workers for consulting offenders should be employed. Keep revising inadequate law and encourage the treatment of offenders in domestic violence. The concern of the network conference should include children, teenagers and the elderly in domestic violence cases. In addition, on the job training should be held for high-rank supervisors. First line workers should strengthen risk recognition ability and presentation ability. New members should receive orientation before participating in the network conference. To ensure the consistent goal in the conference, regular meetings by specialists should be held. Keep revising and examining the manual of the conference. Local prevention centers should inspect the practice of the conference regularly. It helps to observe the practice of the network conference in other cities. Keep concerning the state of minds of the members in the network conference.




