  • 學位論文


A Study for Accessing the Exposure risk of worker’s Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders ─Taking a Plastic Product Manufacturer in Southern Area of Taiwan as an example

指導教授 : 王安祥


工業社會為了追求效率,工作者長時間從事反覆的動作或不自然的姿勢來完成作業,則會增加肌肉骨骼傷害(Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, WMSDs)之風險,經勞工保險局進行職業病統計,我國2008~2012年勞工保險職業病給付,肌肉骨骼傷害佔59~71%。因此,當肌肉骨骼有過度負荷或勞累不適之情形,雇主應實施暴露危害評估及人因工程改善,提供一個安全健康之勞動場所,更是公司保障人員安全與健康的具體表現。本研究目的在探討關鍵指標法(Key Indicators Method, KIM)對工作場所肌肉骨骼危害,進行初步評估之示範及風險評估,經評估風險較高工作進行改善,以有效降低肌肉骨骼傷害。經塑膠製品廠換軸作業、切割作業、投料作業、分裝作業、搬運作業、抽取作業、品檢作業、清桶作業及切割紙桶作業等實證分析結果,工作者可以檢視肌肉骨骼危害因素,包括過度施力、重複性動作及工作姿勢不良,進而選擇適用的人因工程技術改善後,九項案例風險值明顯下降,風險值由30~54降為2~24,風險等級由3~4級降為1~2級,有效降低工作者肌肉骨骼傷害,創造工作和生活條件的最佳化。本文建議執行肌肉骨骼傷害「暴露危害評估」,並藉由「人因工程改善」,可降低肌肉骨骼傷害之發生,減少職業病之醫療費用或補償金,進而工作者持續安全生產,使得產量與收率能穩定提升,幫助公司增加經營效益,更可以提升公司之同業競爭力。


Workers engaged in repetitive movements or prolonged unnatural posture for efficiency, which will increased the risk of musculoskeletal injuries (Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, WMSDs). According to Taiwan occupational labor insurance benefits data (2008~2012) released by Labor Insurance Bureau of Statistics, musculoskeletal injuries accounted from 59% to 71%. Therefore, when excessive load musculoskeletal fatigue or discomfort situations occur, employers should implement human exposure assessment to provide a safe and healthy workplace. This also demonstrates the company's determination for labor safety and health. This study is aimed at investigating the key indicators act (Key Indicators Method, KIM) for musculoskeletal injuries, demonstrating initial risk assessment, improving high risk job, and effectively reducing musculoskeletal injuries. After examining empirical results of factory jobs, such as plastic axis changing, cutting, feeding, packaging, handling, extraction, inspection, clearing and drum barrels cutting, it proved that when workers viewed their musculoskeletal hazards, including excessive force, poor posture and repetitive movements, and thus chose appropriate human factors engineering to improve their condition, the risk of above mentioned factory jobs significantly decreased. The risk value reduced from 30~54 to 2~24, and the risk rating reduced from level 3~4 to 1~2. Therefore the incidence of worker musculoskeletal injuries decreased, which shaped the best working and living conditions. This paper recommends the implementation of "Exposure Hazard Assessment" for musculoskeletal injuries. By human factors engineering improvement, incidence of musculoskeletal injuries, medical expenses or occupational disease compensation will reduce, and labors will continue working safely, and production and income rate will enhance stability. Finally, it will not only help increasing companies’ operational efficiency, but also enhancing the company's competitiveness between peers.


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