  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


受全球人口高齡化、照顧需求的增加、家庭照顧角色的改變,以及國際組織重視健康照顧政策的影響下,高齡者健康照顧的議題已逐漸獲得重視。為探究此一重要性的議題,本研究主要以高齡服務機構為對象,研究目的分別為:一、瞭解標竿高齡服務機構所應具備的條件;二、探討標竿高齡服務機構經營策略的規劃;三、探討標竿高齡服務機構經營策略的實踐經驗;四、建構標竿高齡服務機構經營策略及實踐經驗的模式;五、根據研究結果提供國內高齡服務機構的經營策略之規劃及經營管理的建議。 本研究以現象學的方法探討標竿高齡服務機構的經營策略及實踐經驗,以半結構式的訪談進行資料蒐集,總共訪談九間機構的經營者,包含四位男性、五位女性,其從事老人服務工作的年資介於8~33年,平均年資是14.3年。在受訪的九間機構中,有六間是經政府評鑑為優等的機構,三間是甲等的機構。在完成資料蒐集之後,本研究採用持續比較法做為資料分析的方法,而研究結果主要可以歸納為九項結論,分述如下: 一、標竿高齡服務機構的條件可歸結出七個層面,包含從經營理念、服務類型、組織團隊、組織學習、資源運用、經營成效,以及依照機構的性質而有不同的標竿意義之界定。 二、標竿機構的經營理念強調服務社會的使命、滿足高齡者的服務之需求、維護個案的健康與尊嚴及權益、團隊服務的熱忱及專業成長、重視服務過程的檢討與改進。 三、標竿機構的目標規劃聚焦在維持標竿的條件、提高入住率、維持與擴展服務形式、更新硬體建築與設備、招募與培訓人才、加強與組織之間的合作,以及發揮機構影響力。 四、標竿高齡服務機構的照顧服務涵蓋整合式、多元與創新,以及個別性的服務類型。 五、標竿機構是以法令及專業領域規劃組織團隊的架構,著重組織分工的專責化及協調性,並且重視員工的權益及福利,以及在機構、高齡者與家屬之間建立溝通管道。 六、標竿機構的組織學習方式,包含新進人員的職前訓練、組織內部及外部的專業培訓。 七、標竿機構的資源運用,重視組織內部與外部的資源連結,並且重視維持與擴展資源。 八、標竿機構藉由標準作業程序、成效評估、政府評鑑,以及透過反思來提升經營成效。 九、標竿高齡服務機構經營策略的實踐模式是由九項要素所構成,且每個要素之間彼此連結形成連續運作的歷程。


Due to the influences of global aging population, increasing demand for care, role changing of family care, and the international emphasis on health care, the topic of elderly health care has gradually gained attention. In order to explore this important issue, this study mainly targeted elderly service organizations with the following purposes: 1) To understand the conditions that the benchmarking elderly service organizations should possess; 2) To investigate the management strategies planning of the benchmarking elderly service organizations; 3) To explore the practical experiences of the management strategies of the benchmarking elderly service organizations; 4) To construct the model of the management strategies and the practical experiences of elderly service organizations; and 5) According to the results of this study, to provide the suggestions regarding the management strategies planning and the operation for the elderly service organizations. Phenomenology was used in this study to investigate the management strategies and practical experiences of the benchmarking elderly service organizations. The semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the data from 9 agencies operators, including 4 males and 5 females. The seniorities of elderly services were between 8~33 years, and the average length was 14.3 years. Among these 9 organizations surveyed, 6 were excellent and 3 were first class evaluated by the government. Constant comparison method was used as the method of data analysis after data collection. The results can be summarized as 9 main conclusions as following: 1. The conditions that the benchmarking elderly service organizations possess can be attributed to the 7 dimensions, including management philosophy, service type, organization team, organizational learning, resource utilization, management effectiveness, and the nature of organization; thus define the different meanings of benchmarking organizations accordingly. 2. The management philosophy of the benchmarking organizations emphasizes the mission of serving the community, the fulfillment of the need of the elderly, the safeguard of the individual’s health and dignity and rights, the enthusiasm of team service and professional growth, the review and improving of the service process. 3. The goals of the benchmarking organizations focus on maintaining the conditions of the benchmarking, increasing the occupancy rate, sustaining and expanding the service forms, updating the architecture and equipment, recruiting and training personnel, strengthening organizational cooperation with others, and exerting the influence of the organizations. 4. The care services provided by benchmarking elderly service organizations include integrated, diverse and innovative, and customized services. 5. The framework of benchmarking organizations is structured by enactments and professional expertise. The dedicated division of responsibilities and coordination, the employee rights and benefits, as well as the communication among the organization and elderly and families are all greatly valued in the benchmarking organizations. 6. The benchmarking organizational learning models include pre-employment training for new staff, and internal and external organizational professional training. 7. The resource utilization of the benchmarking organizations emphasizes the links between the internal and external organizational resources, as well as sustaining and expanding of the resources. 8. The benchmarking organizations improve their management effectiveness through standard operating procedures, effectiveness assessment, the government evaluation, and reflection. 9. The management strategies practice mode of the benchmarking organizations are merged by 9 elements that link together to form a continuous operational process.


