  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing Individual's Attitude towards Self Protection on Personal Data

指導教授 : 洪新原


隱私權長久以來都是件值得大家關注的議題,每個人對於個人隱私的看法不一,也因此在民國101年10月01日「個人資料保護法」正式上路後,個人資料侵害事件層出不窮,發現大家對於個人資料保護的態度並不一致,有些人認為法律嚇阻過重、有些人認為罰則過輕毫無效果。本研究探討大眾對於個人資料保護為何會有不同態度,並討論哪些因素會造成個人對於個人資料保護產生不同態度,進一步來做研究與瞭解。 本研究根據Culnan學者在1993年於MIS Quarterly期刊提出的探討隱私架構為基礎,並結合嚇阻理論與隱私等相關變數,利用網路問卷來做施測,以目前有組織保護個資者為填答對象,針對264份有效問卷進行統計分析。資料分析結果顯示:對自身所在組織保護個資的態度、認知有用性、信任、個資錯誤、處罰輕重、隱私風險、及情緒為影響個人產生不同態度的重要因素。最後,本研究提出學術上與實務上的建議,提供利害關係人參考。


"Personal Data Protection Act" was officially launched on October 1, 2012. However, some people think that the laws deter overweight whereas others think that the penalty was too light to no avail. This study investigates that why individuals have different attitudes towards personal data protection, and discusses what factors influence individuals have different attitudes. This study developed the research model based on Culnan’s study. A survey was conducted two hundred and sixty-four usable responses were collected. The analytical results indicates that perceived organizational effort to protect personal data, perceived usefulness, trust, errors, punishment severity, privacy risks, and emotion are important factors influencing individual's attitude towards self protection on personal data. Finally, implications for academics and practitioners are also provided.


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