  • 學位論文


EIL in Junior High School English Textbooks

指導教授 : 葉純純


本研究探討英語為國際語在台灣國中英語教科書中的使用情況,以康軒、南一、翰林三個常見英語教科書版本為資料,分析其內容人物角色之國籍、英語使用的情境和類型、以及文化內容。資料分析主要根據Kachru (1985)所提出的三個同心圓英語圈:內圍圈是以英語為母語的國家,外圍圈是以英語為第二語言的國家,而外擴圈則是以英語為外國語言的國家。人物角色和英語使用之分類為台灣和其他三個同心圓國家,而文化內容則根據不同的文化特徵和類型來分類。研究結果顯示教科書中的人物角色和英語使用情境多為台灣和內圍圈之國家,且英語的使用類型主要為台灣人之間的國內溝通,而國際溝通仍是以台灣人和美國人為主;此外,文化內容也多呈現知識導向的台灣或內圍圈國家文化。換言之,國中英語教科書並未有效呈現英語使用於多國語言及多國文化之情境,尤其是非英語為母語人士間之溝通,而這種溝通已成為現今全球化後英語使用的普遍現象;因此可推斷教科書出版者仍視英語為母語人士和非母語人士的溝通語言。根據本研究之結果,作者提供一些教學建議作為教師採取英語為國際語之教學的參考。 關鍵字:英語為國際語、文化內容、三個同心圓英語圈、英語教學、國中英語教科書


This study aims to investigate the concept of English as an international English (EIL) in Taiwan’s junior high school English textbooks in terms of how English is used in different situations. Three commonly used versions of textbooks (Kanshan, Nani and Hanlin) from grade seven to nine were examined to explore the nationality of main characters, contexts, types of English uses, and cultural content. Data were analyzed mainly based on Kachru’s (1985) three-circle model, which classifies regions where English is used as the native language as Inner Circle, places where English is spoken as a second language as Outer Circle, and areas where English is learned as a foreign language as Expanding Circle. The characters and contexts of language use were categorized as Taiwan or these three circles respectively. Moreover, the types of language use were analyzed by classifying English use as either an international or an intranational language. Finally, the cultural content was classified based on different cultural features presented in the textbooks. The results showed that the majority of the main characters in each textbook are Taiwanese along with two to three characters from Inner Circle countries. Most of the dialogues also occur in Taiwan, where English is used as an intranational language among Taiwanese or an international language between Taiwanese and foreigners, mainly Americans and other Asian people. Also, the cultural content is limited to Taiwan and Inner Circle cultures and tends to be knowledge-oriented. In other words, the junior high school English textbooks fail to demonstrate language uses in multilingual and multicultural contexts, especially contexts where communication occurs among non-native speakers of different nationalities, which is an increasingly recognized situation in this globalizing world. It can therefore be inferred that textbook writers seem to regard English as a language solely for native and non-native communications. Based on the results of this study, some pedagogical implications are suggested for teachers to incorporate an EIL approach in English language teaching. Key words: English as an international language (EIL), cultural content, three-circle model, English language teaching (ELT), junior high school English textbooks


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