  • 學位論文


A Study of Highly-spiritual Adult Teachers’Teaching Transformative Process

指導教授 : 林麗惠


高靈性特質成人教師教學轉化歷程之研究 指導教授:林麗惠博士 研究生:楊鳳英 摘 要 本研究以高靈性特質成人教師為研究對象,旨在探討靈性特質對於教學轉化歷程之研究,整體而言,研究目的有四:其一、探究高靈性特質成人教師靈性特質的內涵,其二、探究高靈性特質成人教師的靈性特質對教學的影響,其三、探究高靈性特質成人教師受靈性特質影響後的教學轉化歷程,其四、探究高靈性特質成人教師經過教學轉化之後在教學實務的改變。依據文獻探討和研究目的設計訪談大綱,採質性研究法,針對六位年滿35歲至55歲以上的成人教師進行半結構式訪談,綜合所得的資料進行分析和彙整,本研究發現:對於靈性特質的內涵,成人教師共同呈現「追尋生命的目的和意義」、「擁有內在的應變力」、「天地萬物的一體感」、「具超越性」;在教學方面,共同呈現包括「如何開展」、「如何影響教學的方式」、「如何應用在教學層面」三大層面;在教學轉化歷程方面,共同呈現內在「靈性特質」及外在「環境影響」;在整體對教學實務上的改變方面,共同呈現「教材教法層面」及「個人層面」二方面。在教學實務上產生四大效益,包含創造真誠開放的環境、實施融合課程、教師是引導者也是促進者、多元豐富的教學。依據研究發現歸納出本研究的五項結論: 一、受訪者共同呈現追求、擁有、一體感、超越的靈性特質。 二、受訪者的靈性特質對教學產生觸媒、影響、應用的歷程。 三、受訪者在教學上呈現反思、經驗、環境及支持的轉化。 四、受訪者經教學轉化後,以重塑、創新、剖析及經驗來改變教學實務。 五、受訪者在實務上展現創造、融合、促進及多元的效益。 最後根據研究結論,就政府機關、成人教育機構、成人教師本身、以及未來研究者四方面提出建議。 關鍵字:成人教師、靈性特質、教學轉化


A Study of Highly-spiritual Adult Teachers’Teaching Transformative Process Advisor:Dr. Li-Hui Lin Student:Feng-Ying Yang Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore highly-spiritual adult teachers’ teaching transformative process, and to achieve the following goals: 1. The understanding of the spiritual essential of highly-spiritual adult teachers. 2. The understanding of the influence of highly-spiritual adult teachers’ spiritual essential on their teaching. 3. The understanding of highly-spiritual adult teachers’ teaching transformative process affected by their own spiritual essential. 4. The understanding of highly-spiritual adult teachers’ change in teaching practice after their thransformation in teaching. In this study, the necessary data were collected through qualitative research, and the interview outlines were designed according to the literature review and research purpose. The researcher interviewed six adult teachers aged between 35 and 55 with semi-structured outlines. According to the result of analysis, the findings were summarized as follows: 1. These six highly-spiritual adult teachers have the same spiritual essential: purpose and meaning in life, innerness, unifying interconnectedness and transcendence. 2. Highly-spiritual adult teachers show how they developed their spirituality, how their spirituality affected their teaching, and how they applied their spiritual awareness in teaching. 3. During their teaching transformative process , highly-spiritual adult teachers show inner “spirituality” and external “environment influence ”. 4. As for the teaching practice , highly-spiritual adult teachers have changed in both ”teaching materials and methods” and “personal aspect”. 5. There are four benefits produced from highly-spiritual adult teachers ‘ teaching practice: creating truly open environment, applying fusion curriculum, being as an instructor and a facilitator, teaching with multiple materials and methods. According to the research findings, the conclusions are: 1. These six highly-spiritual adult teachers show common characteristics of spirituality: purpose and meaning in Life, innerness, unifying interconnectedness and transcendence. 2. Highly-spiritual adult teachers’ spirituality influences their teaching process in three aspects: triggering, affecting and applying. 3. Highly-spiritual adult teachers show the teaching transformation of reflection, experience, environment and supports. 4. Highly-spiritual adult teachers chang their teaching practice with reframing, innovating, analyzing and experiencing,afterr transformative teaching 5. Highly-spiritual adult teachers produce the benefits of creating, fusion, facilitating and multiplicity in their teaching practice. Finally, according to the conclusions, this study presents suggestions to government organizations, adult educational institutes, adult teachers, and future researchers. Key words: adult teachers; spirituality; transformation in teaching


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