  • 學位論文


Change Leadership Behavior of a Kindergarten Principal - A Case Study of a Public Kindergarten

指導教授 : 陳幸仁


本研究旨在探討一所公立幼兒園園長變革領導之具體作為,即分析園長變革領導行為之落實及對組織運作的影響,並探究園長實踐變革領導可能面臨的困境及其因應之策略。本研究採用質性研究中之個案研究,欲從園長領導及五位組織成員的實際運作中,探究其行為意義。研究者透過參與觀察、訪談以及文件分析進行研究場域資料的蒐集,並佐以變革領導之相關理論,加以分析與詮釋。 根據個案分析結果,本研究獲致結論如下: 一、面臨少子化及市場化危機,園所提高服務品質,建立良好口碑, 且教學豐富化,讓教育的品質及服務傳遞給家長。 二、透過學習團隊讓老師有另一個學習的管道,且有可以討論的對象 ,園長並藉由經費資源的有效分配,激勵老師學習動機。 三、園所溝通機制暢通,讓老師可針對園務及班級事項,自主表達 意見及參與決定,園長亦師亦友的角色與老師進行互動溝通。 四、教學活動結合社區及家長資源,豐富孩子的學習體驗,以幼兒生 活經驗為出發點,有助於學習情境之聯結。 五、建立教師自律自愛的行為守則,形塑正向激勵的組織文化,重視 幼兒的安全及學習權益更是園長所秉持之領導理念。 關鍵字:變革領導、個案研究、策略


個案研究 變革領導 策略


This study aims to explore the specific change of leadership of the principal at a public kindergarten. It is to analyze the practices of the leadership change and the impact they on the organization operation. It also explores the difficulty possibly faced by the leadership change and the responding strategy. This study uses the case study method of qualitative research and explores the significance of the behaviors of the principal and five other members in the organization. The researcher collects the data of the field study through observation, interview and literature review, accompanied by the theory of leadership change for further analysis and interpretation. This study obtains the following conclusions based on the results of the case study: 1. Faced with the declining birthrate and market crisis, the kindergarten improves the service quality, builds good reputation and offers richer teaching to convey the quality and services of education to the parents. 2. Teachers have another channel for learning through a learning team, and they have more people for discussion. The principal also effectively distributes the financial resources to encourage the learning motivation of teachers. 3. Improve the communication mechanism at the kindergarten so that the teachers can express their opinions and participate in the decision making in the administrative and class matters. The principal can also act as a mentor and friend to interact and communicate with teachers. 4. The teaching activities combines the resources from the community and the parents to enrich the learning experience of the children. They start out from the children's life experience to help them linking up the learning situation. 5. Establish the self-discipline and code of conduct of teachers to shape the positive motivation for the organization culture. Pay attention to children safety and the rights to learn is the leadership philosophy of the principal. Keywords: Transformational leadership, case study, strategy


陳幸仁、王雅玄 (2007)。偏遠小校發展社區關係與組織文化之優勢:以一所國中為例。台東大學教育學報,18(2),1-30。


丁立文(2017)。國中教師變革型領導、學生正向心理資本和組織公民行為關係之研究: 以桃園市為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700184
