  • 學位論文


Segmentation of Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy Using Random Walk

指導教授 : 林維暘


世界衛生組織統計老年性黃斑部病變已是影響全球人類視力失明和視障的第 三大主因。隨著台灣地區老年人口增加,其也成為國人失明的主要原因之一。息肉 狀脈絡膜血管病變是老年性黃斑部病變其中一種類型,而其已經是在亞洲地區造成 失明的原因之一。息肉狀脈絡膜血管病變的特徵是在脈絡膜血管上,有不同大小且 具多數分支的血管網路,其末端將有息肉狀囊腫結構產生。息肉狀脈絡膜血管病 變(PCV)會有病變區域太細小和邊緣模糊的問題存在,因為這樣的問題,使得醫生 在進行精確的標示病變區域時,會花費較多精力與時間,因此我們提出一個系統, 輔助醫生簡單地標示病變區域,系統則可自動將病變區域進行精確的分割。 我們的系統使用Random Walk演算法進行影像分割,其主要有兩大優點,其 一是只要使用者在病變的區域給定些許的正樣本點,並且在非病變的區域也給定些 許的負樣本點,就能自動分割出病變區域。其二是其在模糊邊界的區分上能夠有很 好的辨識性。因此,希望此系統在協助醫生標示病變的區域上,能夠更有效率的執 行。我們採用EVEREST的資料庫進行實驗,並且系統在PCV病變中的分支血管網 路(BVN)已有不錯的分割準確度。


According to World Health Organization statistics, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the third leading cause of blindness and visual impairment around the world. AMD has also become one of the major causes of blindness among elderly people in Taiwan. Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is a subtype of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and is prevalent in 40% to 50% of the Asian patients with exudative maculopathy. Due to the considerably high incidence of PCV among Asian people, the goal of our research work is to develop a computer-aided diagnostic system for segmenting PCV lesions in indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) images. Our proposed system is based on the random walk algorithm. The user only needs to provide a few seed points and the random walk algorithm will segment the lesion area precisely. We have conducted several experiments using the EVEREST dataset and performed comparison with our previous work. The results show the proposed system achieves significantly better accuracy in segmenting Branching Vascular Network (BVN), which is a major pathological condition associated with PCV


Choroidal Vasculopathy from IndoCyanine Green Angiography Using Spatial
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