  • 學位論文

應用聲波通信實現 RoboCup-SPL 足球機器人之競賽策略

Implementation of Acoustic Communication in RoboCup SPL.

指導教授 : 許宏銘


在機器人足球比賽中,我們可以把我們的機器人視為代理人,這些代理人間該如何合作是一個很重要的問題,因為足球是一個合作和互動式的比賽。另外,根據經驗,機器人的合作程度好壞將會決定隊伍是否有顯著的優勢贏得這場比賽。因此,我們希望使用溝通的方法來達成合作的目的,以提高機器人的表現,因為溝通可以用來改善自我定位的準確性,並和隊友交換各自的相對位置的或是一些重要的消息。根據 2013 年機器人世界盃足球賽的規則,機器人可以使用任何類型的通方式。其中最常見的是使用無線網絡,但實際上在比賽期間,無線網路的干擾問題非常嚴重,所以我們嘗試使用聲波通信,以做為替代方案解決這個問題。


In a robot soccer game, we can see our robots as many agents, so how these agents cooperate with each other is a big issue because soccer is a cooperative and interactive game. Also, according to experiences, how well the robots cooperate will result in a significant advantage in winning the game. Therefore, communications are always used to enhance the robot’s performance in cooperation because we can use that to improve the accuracy of self-localization, exchange the exact relative positions of team mates and some important messages. According to the 2013 RoboCup soccer rule, the robots can use any type communication ways. The most common one is to use the wireless network, but actually during the competition, the jamming problem always happened, so we try to use acoustic communication instead to solve this problem and find a better solution on teammate cooperation.


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