  • 學位論文


Investigation of the permeability of peptides and compounds in an in vitro model of blood-brain barrier

指導教授 : 李政怡


腦瘤 (brain tumor) 與神經退化性疾病 (neurodegenerative disease) 為腦部疾病的其中兩種類型,會因為先天遺傳的基因缺陷,或是後天環境因素的影響而產生。現今在治療腦部疾病上,主要以藥物治療的為主,但是目前存有治療藥物無法順利通過血腦屏障的疑慮。所以,為針對此兩種類型的腦部疾病治療上有更好的突破,目前必須解決的最大限制之一,就是分子藥物或抗體是否能有效的通過血腦屏障,以期提升治療成效。因此,我們利用老鼠細胞建立一個體外的血腦屏障細胞模型,並針對與腦部研究與治療相關的胜肽與化合物,利用該模型進行細胞通透性測試。 SDPM2 與 RI-OR2-TAT 是目前用於研究阿茲海默症 (Alzheimer’s disease) 的小片段胜肽, SDPM2 因其本身的胺基酸特性,被認為具有較高通過血腦屏障的可能性,而 RI-OR2-TAT 已在阿茲海默症的老鼠動物模型中,被證實能通過血腦屏障。因此,我們以線性重複排列抗原決定區技術 (LAE) 來建立兩個短片段的胜肽質體,以利蛋白質產量的提升。根據實驗的結果,雖然我們成功建立出三個不同重複序列的 RI-OR2-TAT 質體,但是在蛋白質表達量上卻有著相當大的問題,除了表達量不如預期之外,我們發現,當重複片段數量增加時,蛋白質表達量反而有下降的現象,再加上非專一性蛋白過多的因素,使得在純化上困難重重,因此,我們決定利用化學合成的 RI-OR2-TAT 進行後續的細胞實驗。 在我們的實驗中,將利用 Transwell 的方式進行體外血腦屏障細胞模型的建立。首先在 Transwell 的 insert 中,將老鼠內皮細胞 (b.End 3) 與星狀細胞 (ALT) 進行接觸式培養,建立進行實驗的體外細胞模型,之後選擇數個實驗室正在研究的胜肽與化合物,包含老鼠普利昂蛋白片段 (moPrP23-89) 、槲皮素與薑黃素,進行細胞通透性實驗。根據細胞實驗結果顯示,不同濃度的 RI-OR2-TAT 與 moPrP23-89 對於兩種細胞的細胞存活率影響不大,而使用低濃度 (5 µM-25 µM) 的薑黃素時,就會對兩種細胞的細胞存活率有很大的影響,雖然當槲皮素的濃度增加到一定程度 (最高濃度為 50 µM) 時,細胞存活率會被影響,但是相對於薑黃素而言,兩種細胞對於槲皮素的耐受濃度較高。而細胞通透性實驗測試中,我們發現老鼠普利昂蛋白片段 (moPrP23-89),會隨著時間的增加而穿過血腦屏障模型,槲皮素在本實驗中也得到相同的結果,而 RI-OR2-TAT 因為無法利用現行簡易的方法進行分析,薑黃素在本次實驗中也沒有明顯的通透效果。透過這樣的實驗,我們期望能利用這個模型,尋找出具有良好通透性的胜肽或化合物,以利往後對於腦部相關研究,治療腦部疾病的方法,或是藥物開發上能提供有用的資訊,期望對發展的相關方向有所貢獻。


Brain tumors and neurodegenerative diseases are two types of brain disorders. The most common therapy of these disorders is chemotherapeutic drugs treatment. However, most of chemotherapeutic drugs cannot pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This BBB decreases the efficiency of chemical combination therapy. To solve this problem, we used an in vitro blood-brain barrier model to test the permeability of peptides and compounds, which were studied about brain researches and cancer therapies. SDPM2 and RI-OR2-TAT have been studied in the peptide therapy of Alzheimer’s disease. SDPM2 was hypothesized to cross the BBB because the peptide sequence is relatively hydrophobic. RI-OR2-TAT was suggested to cross the BBB by its TAT domain, which is a trans-activation domain encoded by HIV-1 gene. At first, we used linear array epitope (LAE) technique to develop tandem repeats of two small peptides. We constructed tandem-repeated plasmids for protein expression and purification, but the results of protein expression level was out of my expectation. At the same time, we tested the cell viability of mouse endothelial cells and astrocyte cell treated with RI-OR2-TAT, mouse prion protein 23-89 (moPrP23-89), quercetin and curcumin. Curcumin caused the low cell viability with a high concentration. Then, we established an in vitro blood-brain barrier model to test the cell permeability of peptides and compounds. According to the results, moPrP23-89 and quercetin could cross the BBB in the short time, but RI-OR2-TAT and curcumin were not. Further experiments with this in vitro model will provide more information about researches and therapies of brain disorders, and will help us to improve the efficiency of currently therapies.


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