  • 學位論文


A Study of New Cosmopolitan Subjects in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Works

指導教授 : 龔紹明


本論文提出鍾芭•拉希莉的作品針對南亞裔移民提出了一個新的觀點。她將這些移民塑造成新世界公民,運用他們流動的旅行經驗和攝影敘事來推翻傳統舊有的主客關係,甚至能在全球化趨勢中跨越所有文化、宗教、種族、地域、階級的差異。 第一章將探索《病症的翻譯員》 的兩則故事。藉由伊莉莎白.傑森和蘇珊.柯西的理論概念來闡述<受到福佑的家>的晶晶與<第三暨最後一個大陸>的敘述者的流動性特質。我主張這兩個角色運用他們的旅行經驗呈現他們全球旅居者般的歸屬感,並且藉由更新後的主客關係來突破原有的種族和宗教身分。第二章將著重在《同名之人》裡的兩位南亞裔女性,愛希瑪和茉淑蜜。我援引吉塔.拉詹與夏雅.夏爾瑪的理論,針對這兩個角色對家的重新定義,討論他們的身份轉變成新世界公民,並且對原有的國族和文化認同去畛域化。第三章將檢視《陌生的土地》裡的第二部<海瑪和卡西克>,兩位主角如何透過對家的不定性和流動性的定義、攝影和旅遊抒寫來彰顯其新世界公民的身份。我的論點是,由於他們在當前全球化世界裡經歷了異國陌生感、自我身分認同危機、自我定位的迷失,兩位主角學會了如何透過全球性流動的特性來調整以及重新定義他們自己的身份。 關鍵字:鍾芭•拉希莉、《病症的翻譯員》、《同名之人》、《陌生的土地》、新世界公民理論、新世界公民、身份認同、全球化


This thesis argues that Jhumpa Lahiri’s works pose a new perspective on South Asian American immigrants by depicting them as new cosmopolitan subjects who could use their mobile traveling experience and photography narrative to reverse the restriction of traditional host-guest relationship, even transcending all differences of culture, religion, ethnicity, region, and class in the age of globalization. Chapter One will examine two stories in Interpreter of Maladies. I assume Twinkle in “This Blessed House” and the narrator in “The Third and Final Continent” as new cosmopolitan subjects with fluidity through theoretical insights of Elizabeth Jackson and Susan Koshy. I suggest that these two characters show their new sense of belonging as global sojourners by their travel experience and break through the ethnic and religious identity through the renewed host-guest relationship. Chapter Two will then focus on the identity transformation of two South Asian American females, Ashima and Moushumi, into new cosmopolites in The Namesake. Following Gita Rajan and Shailja Sharma, I contend that both characters anchor an alternative notion of home in order to renovate their identity as global citizens and deterritorialize the national and cultural identities. Chapter Three will inspect how “Hema and Kaushik,” the second part of Unaccustomed Earth, depicts the two protagonists as new cosmopolitan subjects through their unconstrained and fluid definition of home, photography and travel narrative. I argue that due to their experiences of the feeling of foreignness, the identity crisis, and the loss of self-orientation in the globalized world, they learn to negotiate and redefine their identity through the fluid nature of globalization. Keywords: Jhumpa Lahiri, Interpreter of Maladies, The Namesake, Unaccustomed Earth, new cosmopolitanism, new cosmopolitan subject, identity, globalization


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