  • 學位論文

小組成就區分法對國小五年級學童 英語學習成效之研究

The Effects of Practicing Student Teams Achievement Divisions on Taiwanese Fifth Graders’ English Achievements and Learning Attitudes

指導教授 : 陳玉美


本研究旨在探討『小組成就區分法』對台灣國小學童學習英語之成效,以及學生對於此教學法的看法。本研究採用準實驗的研究設計,研究參與者為台灣嘉義市某一所公立小學兩班五年級的學生,其中一班為實驗組,進行『小組成就區分法』的教學,另一班則為對照組,採用全班教學法的方式。研究實施期間為十二個星期,共計二十四節課。資料蒐集包括前測、後測、問卷以及訪談,兼採質性研究與量化研究兩種研究法。 研究結果顯示,小組成就區分法與全班教學法都能有效提升學生的英語學習成效,比較兩種教學法後,發現小組成就區分法並未優於全班教學法。進一步比較兩組不同程度的學生,發現實驗組中等程度學生,較控制組相同程度學生有顯著的進步。整體而言,實驗組的學生對於以小組成就區分法來學習英語,持正向的態度,學生認同小組成就區分法能有效地提升他們的英語學習能力,促進與小組夥伴的關係,比起一個人的學習方式,他們更喜歡在小組中學習英語。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) on Taiwanese elementary school students’ academic achievements of English and their perceptions of STAD instruction. Based on quasi-experimental research design, the study involved two intact classes of fifth graders from an elementary school in Chia-yi City, Taiwan. They were assigned to be the experimental group, receiving STAD instruction, and the control group, receiving whole class instruction. The study lasted 12 weeks, including 24 class periods. This study collected data from pre-test, post-test, perception questionnaire, and selective interview. Both quantitative and qualitative procedures were utilized to analyze the data. Results indicated that both STAD and whole class instruction enhanced students’ academic achievements in English; however, the effects of STAD method was no greater than that of whole class instruction. Further analysis of students’ test performances by proficiency level found that the medium-proficiency students of the experimental group benefited more from STAD than their counterparts in the control group. Overall, students in the experimental group showed positive attitude towards STAD method. They agreed that STAD effectively enhanced their learning of English, improved their relationships with group mates, and students liked to study English more in a group than individually.


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