  • 學位論文


Cyber Warfare:The Chalice of Modern Warfare

指導教授 : 林泰和


摘要 網路的重要性在當今已經是不可言喻,從早期只有電腦有辦法連結網路,到現在人手一部的行動、穿戴裝置,甚至是近年提出的「物連網(Internet of Things)」,都顯示了網路所帶來的全面性轉變。如同十九世紀的工業革命一樣,2000年曾經被稱為第二次工業革命或是「資訊革命」,也由於網路就是資訊革命的基載來源,因此本文的第一部分主要先介紹網路的起源,包含一些網路架構的基礎知識,透過這個部份能讓讀者對網路有基礎的認識。 第二部分主要探討的是網路在各個層面所帶來的轉變,舉凡政治、軍事、國防、資訊(網路)安全。自古以來,「資訊」不論是在哪種方面一直都是非常有價值的,上至國家下至人民無一例外,例如國際政治上的外交密電、軍事國防上的情報、國家內部的政策宣傳、公司行號的專利技術皆然。然而網路技術入門的門檻較一般技術為低,傳統戰爭中只有國對國的層級也逐漸被網路技術的進步所改變,許多國家對於資訊安全的重視也日益明顯,美中兩國甚至公開招募「網軍」,我們不難發覺網路對世界的影響日益深遠。 本文最後一個部分列舉了實際應用的案例做為依據,目的在強調小至網路攻擊大至網路戰都並非與我們遙不可及,相對的,網路攻擊卻是時時刻刻在我們身邊上演,甚至每個人都有機會參予其中。而網路攻擊本身並不可怕,藉由文中的一些案例可以知道,網路與駭客的關係並不像一般人認知中只有負面的意思,我們只需要了解網路中這些事情的原因並面對或是改正它。 關鍵字:網路戰、網路攻擊、資訊權力、網軍、駭客


網軍 軟實力 資訊權力 網路攻擊 網路戰 駭客


Abstract Internet (and cyber) now becomes more important than old days, from the days that computer is the only way for connection, to now everyone can easily connect to internet just by their own mobile device. In these years, we got a new type of connection called –”Internet of Things”. Just like industrial revolution in 19th century, we got the second industrial revolution also known as “Information Revolution” in 2000. Since internet is the origin of Information Revolution, I will begin with the basic knowledge of internet framework in part one, so that readers can have basic concept of internet. The second part is mainly about the transformation in each layer of internet, such as politics, military, national defense and information (cyber) security. In all the ages, information is always valuable no matter in which field such as, diplomatic cables, military (technology) intelligence, domestic propaganda and patented technology. However, the access to cyberspace is usually no need of advanced technic, making the concept of war we know start to change. Today most countries began to realize the importance of cyber security. Some of them even recruit “cyber army” publicly such as U.S. and China. The last part of this thesis lists lots of real cases, proving that cyberwarfare is not far from us, and even the tiniest cyber attack is always affecting and around us. Moreover you can join them and to be part of them. Nevertheless cyberwarfare sounds terrifying and dangerous, you will understand cyber and hacker are not always negative by learning the cases in this thesis. The most important thing we should know is to understand how the cyber works and the reasons of things cause and fix it. Keywords: Cyberwar, Cyberwarfare, Cyber Attack, Information power, Information edge, Cyber Army, Hacker


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