  • 學位論文


Analysis of factors and effect of top management turnover after Financial Restatement

指導教授 : 林岳喬 博士


摘要 本文主要研究探討國內上市櫃公司財務報表重編後高階主管異動和重編原因、企業型態、企業規模、產業別以及改善營運績效之關聯性,本研究以重編事件樣本進行分析,相關之實證結果如下: A. 因舞弊而財報重編之公司確實較易更換高階主管,證實公司會想要挽回投資大眾對公司的信心度、財報透明度以及公司名譽,往往較易要求高階主管下台以示負責。 B. 財務報表重編後高階主管異動,和家族企業未有顯著相關性,其說明高階主管異動並不受企業型態影響。 C. 證實財務報表重編後高階主管異動,和企業規模呈現顯著相關性,大型企業因規模較完整所要求的財報透明度品質及公司治理皆比中小企業嚴格。 D. 財務報表重編後高階主管異動,和產業別未有顯著相關性,其說明高階主管異動並不受產業別影響。 E. 財務報表重編後高階主管異動,和公司績效未有顯著相關性,其說明高階主管異動並不直接影響公司績效。


Abstract This research examine the top management turnover, restatement reason, firm type, firm size, industrial classification and the relationship of enhance operating performance on domestic listed company after financial restatement. We examine the analysis of factors of a sample of restatement incident. The empirical results can be summarized as follows: A. Due to fraud and financial restatements of the company really is easier to replace the executives confirmed that the company will want to restore of the investor confidence of the company, earnings transparency and the company's reputation, often easier to claim executives resign to take responsibility. B. The top management turnover after financial restatement and didn't have significant correlation of family businesses, the description the top management turnover impervious to firm type influence. C. The top management turnover after financial restatement and have significant correlation of firm size, conglomerate due to more a grand scale earnings transparency and corporate restructuring are stricter than SMEs. D. The top management turnover after financial restatement and didn't have significant correlation of industrial classification, the description the top management turnover impervious to industrial classification influence. E. The top management turnover after financial restatement and didn't have significant correlation of firm performance, the description the top management turnover impervious to firm performance influence.


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